It's especially important . When conducting research on human subjects, minimize harms and risks and maximize benefits; respect human dignity, privacy, and autonomy; take special precautions with vulnerable populations; and strive to distribute the benefits and burdens of research fairly. The second factor is that training inevitably exposes different points of view and judgments. Leadership Spotlight: Compassion in Law Enforcement. Norcross suggests psychologists also occasionally go to therapy themselves when stress levels are high. A planner Leadership Spotlight: A Look in the Mirror, Leadership Spotlight: Importance of Listening Skills, Leadership Spotlight: Setting the Example, Community Outreach Spotlight: Rape Aggression Defense Class, Leadership Spotlight: Rapport and Empathy, Leadership Spotlight: Spiritual Wellness in Law Enforcement, Leadership Spotlight: Development Is a Question Away, Leadership Spotlight: Lessons on Conflict, Leadership Spotlight: Choose to Take Action. Unknowns that hang in the air like so many gnats are death to an investigation. To take advantage of community support, you can also find a mentor, connect with your supervision group, or reach out to professional organizations such as APA or the Association of Black Psychologists for resources. Consequentialism is based on two principles: Whether an act is right or wrong depends only on the results of that act. Soliciting feedback and sharing the burden enables others to bring attention to those weaker areas so they will not be overwhelmed when the water approaches. Of course, law enforcement personnel must hone the skills that could mean the difference between life and death. It's important to have a code of ethics to help guide you regarding the morally correct action to take. How Psychologically Conditioned Rats Are Defusing Landmines, The Innate Intelligence Observed in the Dying Process. If you dont model it yourself, they wont take it seriously, or they just wont know how to practice it, says Avila, who regularly includes self-care practices as graded assignments in her courses. Year If this is the case, then it may be appropriate to consider others ways of making the decision, such as going with a gut feeling or intuition, seeking guidance through prayer or meditation, or even flipping a coin. For practitioners, many types of treatment are easy to deliver online; however, some services are more difficult to transform into successful remote solutions. The reality is that ethics cannot be totally divorced from psychological, cultural, political and social realities, even when rationality is the preferred methodology. Tel: (650) 723-2109. Consider adding a fake commute to your routine, which replaces the daily transition from work to home with walks, runs, and bike rides. The ethical imperative of self-care. Metro Special Police Department, Washington, D.C. New Taipei City, Taiwan, Police Department, Radford City, Virginia, Police Department, River Vale, New Jersey, Police Department, Port St. Lucie, Florida, Police Department, Northern York County, Pennsylvania, Regional Police Department, Lancaster City, Pennsylvania, Bureau of Police, Missing Person: Amber Lynn Wilde - Green Bay, Wisconsin, Missing Person: Joan M. Rebar - Meriden, Kansas, Unidentified Person: John Doe - Apache Junction, Arizona, Missing Person: Helen Irene Tucker - Tacoma, Washington, Missing Person: Debra Kay King - Tacoma, Washington, Missing Person: Simone Ridinger - Sherborn, Massachusetts, Homicide Victim: Santana Acosta - Phoenix, Arizona, Unidentified Person: John Doe - Arcadia, Florida, Missing Person: Richard Luther Ingram - Fort Lewis, Washington, Missing Person: Kelsie Jean Schelling - Pueblo, Colorado, Missing Person: Jennifer L. Wilson - Derby Kansas, Unidentified Person: Jane Doe - Marion County, Missouri, Unidentified Person: John Doe - Grant County, Kentucky, Unidentified Person: Jane Doe - Naples, Florida, Unidentified Person: Jane Doe - Pike National Forest, Colorado, Missing Person: William Gary Morris - Nashville, Tennessee, Unidentified Person: Jane Doe - Cameron Parish, Louisiana, Unidentified Person: John Doe - Needville, Texas, Unidentified Person: Jane Doe - Glennie, Michigan, Unidentified Person: John Doe - Wickenburg, Arizona, Missing Person: David Emerson, Jr. - Snyder, Texas, Missing Person: Gregory Keith Mann, Jr. - Wichita Falls, Texas, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - January 2010, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - February 2010, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - March 2010, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - April 2010, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - August 2010, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - September 2010, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - October 2010, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - November 2010, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - December 2010, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - January 2011, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - February 2011, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - March 2011, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - April 2011, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - August 2011, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - September 2011, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - October 2011, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - November 2011, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - December 2011, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - January 2012, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - February 2012, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - March 2012, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - April 2012, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - August 2012, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - September 2012, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - October 2012, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - November 2012, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - December 2012, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - January 2013, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - February 2013, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - March 2013, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - April 2013, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - August 2013, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - September 2013, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - October/November 2013, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - December 2013, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - January 2014, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - February 2014, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - March 2014, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - April 2014, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - August 2014, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - September 2014, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - October 2014, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - November 2014, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - December 2014, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - January 2015, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - February 2015, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - March 2015, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - April 2015, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - August 2015, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - September 2015, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - October 2015, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - November 2015, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - December 2015, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - January 2016, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - February 2016, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - March 2016, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - April 2016, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - August 2016, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - September 2016, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - October 2016, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - November 2016, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - December 2016, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - January 2017, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - February 2017, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - March 2017, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - April 2017, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - August 2017, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - September 2017, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - October 2017, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - November 2017, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - December 2017, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - January 2018, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - February 2018, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - March 2018, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - April 2018, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - August 2018, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - September 2018, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - October 2018, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - November 2018, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - December 2018, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - February 2019, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - March 2019, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - April 2019, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - August 2019, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - September 2019, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - October 2019, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - November 2019, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - December 2019, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - January 2020, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - February 2020, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - March 2020, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - April 2020, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - August 2020, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - September 2020, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - October 2020, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - November 2020, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - December 2020, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - January 2021, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - February 2021, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - March 2021, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - April 2021, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - August 2021, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - September 2021, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - October 2021, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - November 2021, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - December 2021, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - January 2022, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - February 2022, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - March 2022, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - April 2022, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - August 2022, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - September 2022, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - October 2022, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - November 2022, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - December 2022, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - January 2023, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - February 2023. NIEHS has a goal to ensure job opportunities and career enhancements programs for both our work force and our community. There are many other activities that the government does not define as "misconduct" but which are still regarded by most researchers as unethical. For example, two people could agree that murder is wrong but disagree about the morality of abortion because they have different understandings of what it means to be a human being. For them, it is easier said than done. The idea of a moral code extends beyond the individual to include what is. For instance, federal policies on research misconduct, conflicts of interest, the human subjects protections, and animal care and use are necessary in order to make sure that researchers who are funded by public money can be held accountable to the public. Use phrases like: "Can you help me understand" or "Can you help me see why you're not worried". There is an element of discretion as a person has the option to adopt ethical norms. Disclose personal or financial interests that may affect research. Do leaders encourage employees to act according to the spirit, as well as the letter, of the law? The following is a rough and general summary of some ethical principles that various codes address*: Strive for honesty in all scientific communications. Its easy to isolate in chronic stress, especially when getting together with a friend or family member in person might not be a safe option. A psychologists own neglect of self-care can prevent patients or students from taking suggestions for coping strategies seriously. (New York: Oxford University Press). Had the salience of the ethical decision been clearer, the chance that he would have identified the potential to err would have been greater, thus possibly averting this compromised decision. Take advantage, too, of any self-care resources in your organization. Fairness is about being impartial, says Reich, who also serves as co-director of the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Societyand an associate director for the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence. The same applies for instructors: If you can preserve your students progress, youre likely ahead of the curve. And, once a transgression becomes public, it often leaves those who know the perpetrator shocked and confused. Use the browser controls to adjust the font size, or print this page. Had employees had greater opportunities to reflect on their actions in a less constrained and pressured workplace, many might have felt considerably less comfortable with these practices. Yet it's not that simple, for two reasons: First is the innate human ability to rationalize behavior. The ideas and opinions expressed in this essay are the authors own and do not necessarily represent those of the NIH, NIEHS, or US government. Leadership Spotlight: Where is Your Bottom Line? According to Boxley, psychologists generally agree about the centrality of self-care, but theyre often not aware of resources already available to them, even as many organizations are stepping up to provide self-care opportunities for staff. Misconduct probably results from environmental and individual causes, i.e. Peaceful civil disobedience is an ethical way of protesting laws or expressing political viewpoints. Keep good records of research activities, such as data collection, research design, and correspondence with agencies or journals. Take responsibility for your part in research and be prepared to give an account (i.e. At its simplest, ethics is a system of moral principles. When theres precious little time to deeply reflect on decisions, we rely on routines and the surrounding norms to dictate behavior. ), This makes for at least eight variables (three ethical systems, facts, interpretation, assumptions, principles, and values) that you employ when you make an ethical decision. This is the most common way of defining "ethics": norms for conduct that distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Earn badges to share on LinkedIn and your resume. The forces behind deception. There are two main theories about why researchers commit misconduct. an explanation or justification) of what you did on a research project and why. It is too early to tell. The key to success lies in discussing ethics and equipping the men and women of law enforcement with the tools needed to be victorious when faced with a dilemma. For example, you may not accomplish as much as you did in previous years, and your patients or students may not make major strides, either. Among many examples, this would apply to the work of psychologists who are treating people with obsessive-compulsive disorder, health and contamination fears or phobias, social anxiety, isolation, depression, and hoarding disorders, Wise says. It is a process of rationalization that sets in when members of a team begin to think alike. When we make these changes, its not just about convenience, Watson says. Ethical norms also serve the aims or goals of research and apply to people who conduct scientific research or other scholarly or creative activities. 1 Ethical norms are so ubiquitous that one might be tempted to regard them as simple commonsense. To identify issues and understand consequences, people have to be educated. You may be inconsistent or contradictory. Second, we have cultural numbness: when others . For example, many ethical norms in research, such as guidelines for authorship, copyright and patenting policies, data sharing policies, and confidentiality rules in peer review, are designed to protect intellectual property interests while encouraging collaboration. In order to teach other people to engage in self-care during stressful periods, you have to exhibit positive behaviors yourself. Did You Know Anxiety Can Enhance Our Relationships? Maintaining Ethical Behavior By George Cartwright, M.A. That is true. Perhaps the same is true about preferences in going about making ethical decisions. Officer Survival Spotlight: Accidental Deaths Among Law Enforcement Officers, Leadership Spotlight: Your Leadership Is Your Life Story (Part 1 of 2), Officer Survival Spotlight: Arrest Situations - Understanding the Dangers, Leadership Spotlight: Your Leadership Is Your Life Story (Part 2 of 2), Officer Survival Spotlight: Preventing Assaults - Assessing Offender Perceptions. Why ethics is difficult to maintain in a business enterprise and the society? The main point is that human reasoning plays a pivotal role in ethical decision-making but there are limits to its ability to solve all ethical dilemmas in a finite amount of time. Just as running toward the gunfire requires bravery, it takes courage to make a decision when not everything is known. They are interested in examining the relationship between pesticide exposures and skin cancer. Instead, schedule events or activities you can look forward to that also encourage a sense of mastery, such as a home project or a physically distanced outdoor activity you enjoy. Psychologists can easily grow exhausted by addressing the same stress without new solutions, says Natalie Dattilo, PhD, a clinical psychologist at Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston. Due to limited selection be The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. Dr. T's error is not misconduct nor is his decision to take no action to correct the error. According to Rodriguez, feeling disconnected only compounds the original stress. Leaders must ensure that personnel receive appropriate recompense for ethical behavior. Remaining efficient and productive overtook deeper reflection on the ethical implications of selling products to customers without their knowledge. Which choice would be the most just, fair, or responsible. For example Bumili si ganito ng ganito then achuchu. Who defines quality, the restaurant or the customer?3. Aim to build those experiences into your routine alongside the building blocks of health, and remember that feeling guilty about not sufficiently following your self-sustaining routine is counterproductive. To any outside observer, Waksals decision was incredibly shortsighted and unreflective. See Glossary of Commonly Used Terms in Research Ethics. The vast majority of decisions involve the straightforward application of ethical rules. c. A leader According to the priests of capitalism, ethical behavior consists of taking as much as you can while giving as little back as possible, and not caring about the consequences of your actions on anyone else. It may be useful to seek advice from a colleague, a senior researcher, your department chair, an ethics or compliance officer, or anyone else you can trust. What could have the family have done to avoid circumstances such as this?. Those of you who are taking or have taken courses in research ethics may be wondering why you are required to have education in research ethics. By being moral, we enrich our lives and the lives of those around us. If you feel this way, relax. Agencies must proactively eliminate the barriers that cause unethical behavior. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is expanding and accelerating its contributions to scientific knowledge of human health and the environment, and to the health and well-being of people everywhere. A personal code of ethics can ensure you are doing things legally and safely . The competition is intense, sometimes brutal. Ethical lapses in research can significantly harm human and animal subjects, students, and the public. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Which choice will probably have the best overall consequences for science and society? Visit to see the various studies NIEHS perform. Leadership Spotlight: Fishing for Inspiration, Leadership Spotlight: Foundations of Leadership and Followership, Forensic Spotlight: Paint and Plastic Evidence Analysis in a Drug Possession Case, Crimes Against Children Spotlight: Parental Kidnapping - Using Social Media to Assist in Apprehending Suspects and Recovering Victims, Leadership Spotlight: Overestimating Yourself, Leadership Spotlight: Creating Extraordinary Moments, Forensic Spotlight: Next Generation Identification, Forensic Spotlight: Altered Fingerprints - A Challenge to Law Enforcement Identification Efforts. Will education in research ethics help reduce the rate of misconduct in science? * Adapted from Shamoo A and Resnik D. 2015. Ethical decisions generate ethical behaviors and provide a foundation for good business practices. Find out about the exciting discoveries being made by NIEHS and NIEHS-supported researchers that are helping to improve health and save lives. Honestly report data, results, methods and procedures, and publication status. In a national survey of psychologists, Bridgeman and clinical psychologist Daniel Galper, PhD, found that 72% of psychologists reported that their number one concern and personal and professional challenge was an overly challenging work-life balance, followed closely by burnout or compassion fatigue. Bridgeman says the risks for those challenges have only increased during COVID-19. So, leaving aside psychological variations, such as temperament, a mathematician friend tells me that this mix of variables presents nearly 200 possible ways in which people of good will and hard thought can disagree with one another over moral matters. It seemed that this was a good choice for the whole family because there was a great selection of food items and there were no lines. Publish in order to advance research and scholarship, not to advance just your own career. An action may be legal but unethical or illegal but ethical. The Integrated Business program at UCF is a relatively new degree that focuses on its students to develop universal soft skills needed in every company. Through a simple assessment, leaders can determine if employees receive sufficient instruction. It is vital to a departments success that those involved are not caught with their guard down. Weve never dealt with so many compounded issues at once, and we really need to take the time to process what we experience with colleaguespeople who understand, Toussaint says. Norcross recommends running a mental video of successful cases youve worked with; you could also keep track of encouraging words from colleagues or students. One may also define ethics as a method, procedure, or perspective for deciding how to act and for analyzing complex problems and issues. According to the "bad apple" theory, most scientists are highly ethical. Then you go about prizing one ethical principle over another. It's hard for a person who is away from the society to have a deep understanding of the world . What is Ethics in Research & Why is it Important? The NIH and NSF have both mandated training in research ethics for students and trainees. This perception, that it is weak to confer with others, carries danger. Leadership Spotlight: Is Happiness Overrated? Most people learn ethical norms at home, at school, in church, or in other social settings. However, this does not mean that properly modeled ethical behavior does not deserve recognition. If you find yourself tense during a therapy session, Norcross suggests adjusting your posture, moving your legs a bit in a way that doesnt distract the patient, and taking a drink of water. Instead of confronting the challenge of identifying which of the many hundreds of decisions made each day have ethical overtones, exercises hand the specific dilemma to participants. For example, a "medical ethicist" is someone who studies ethical standards in medicine. If, through words or deeds, leaders have sent the message that the agency will tolerate unethical behavior, the organization may adopt counternorms, employee-accepted practices that act contrary to prevailing ethical standards.3 For example, the social order has clearly identified such concepts as being open and honest, following the rules, and acting as a team as valuable traits. "We want the ethical issues to arise organically out of the technical problems that they're working on in class,'" said Simmons. Indeed, there has been considerable debate about the definition of "research misconduct" and many researchers and policy makers are not satisfied with the government's narrow definition that focuses on FFP. (ix) There exist no sharp boundaries between ethical and non-ethical. Of course, life is not always black and white with obvious answers. A study by professors at Bentley University found that among the benefits of a value-based culture are increased awareness of ethical issues, commitment to the organization, employee integrity, willingness to communicate openly about problems, willingness to report an ethics violation to management, improved decision making, willingness to seek For example, you could change clothes, make a cup of tea, or turn on your favorite musicanything that turns off your work switch. The research protocol for a study of a drug on hypertension requires the administration of the drug at different doses to 50 laboratory mice, with chemical and behavioral tests to determine toxic effects. If "deviations" from ethical conduct occur in research as a result of ignorance or a failure to reflect critically on problematic traditions, then a course in research ethics may help reduce the rate of serious deviations by improving the researcher's understanding of ethics and by sensitizing him or her to the issues. Know and obey relevant laws and institutional and governmental policies. Leadership Spotlight: Have We Lost Civility? Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305. Give proper acknowledgement or credit for all contributions to research. You may also want to rethink your patient load and what types of patients you take onespecially if more work would interfere with your ability to take care of yourself and support your patients. Avoid careless errors and negligence; carefully and critically examine your own work and the work of your peers. When most people think of ethics (or morals), they think of rules for distinguishing between right and wrong, such as the Golden Rule ("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"), a code of professional conduct like the Hippocratic Oath ("First of all, do no harm"), a religious creed like the Ten Commandments ("Thou Shalt not kill"), or a wise aphorisms like the sayings of Confucius. Abramson, A. Data Ethics, is a new branch of ethics. The journal has just gone to press, so it is too late to catch the error before it appears in print. People may fail to see different options due to a limited imagination, bias, ignorance, or fear. Leadership Spotlight: Single Point of Failure, Leadership Spotlight: Communicating with Millennials - Using Brevity, Community Outreach Spotlight: Redefining School Resource Officers Roles. Christopher Watson, PhD, deputy associate chief of staff of behavioral health at VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, says he sees it as his responsibility to help his team provide the best clinical care to the veterans they work with. Across the nation every day, agencies conduct training on how to remain courageous under fire. Is communication open, truthful, and unrestricted? Its not just about being OK, but about flourishing, which requires de-stressing from everyday problems before they become serious.. Keep your promises and agreements; act with sincerity; strive for consistency of thought and action. Black practitioners in particular face unprecedented, prolonged strain. Moreover, defenders of the stressful environment theory point out that science's peer review system is far from perfect and that it is relatively easy to cheat the system. Clay, R. A., APA Monitor on Psychology, July/August 2020, How to encourage student self-care To put it simply, ethics represents the moral code that guides a person's choices and behaviors throughout their life. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal government site. Her funding agency may also have rules that obligate her to share data. HBR Learnings online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Ethics at Work. Even when patients dont have complex treatment plans, psychotherapy can contribute to a risk of burnout. They affect how people make decisions and lead their lives. Ethical problems are ofthen complicated and require more than a formula to solve. Thoughtful people of good will can honestly disagree about ethical issues. An administrator They are an expression of a society's attitudes and beliefs. Who knows, you may even be born with such proclivities. John Norcross, PhD, ABPP, a distinguished professor and the chair of the Department of Psychology at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania and a clinical professor of psychiatry at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York, encourages psychologists to reframe thoughts about self-care from a luxurious add-on to a professional imperative. (How important is telling the truth? That me too can go a long way.. You would never fabricate or falsify data or plagiarize. What would he or she do in this situation? Are employees expected to fit into the mainstream. The university or funding agency may have policies on data management that apply to this case. We always want to give our staff more opportunities to unplug so we can improve their coping and resilience and, as a result, improve the care they provide.. She has an impressive dataset that includes information on demographics, environmental exposures, diet, genetics, and various disease outcomes such as cancer, Parkinsons disease (PD), and ALS. d. A custodian, helloo po pwede po ba na pa answer nito pls :)) Indeed, the evidence produced so far shows that misconduct is a very rare occurrence in research, although there is considerable variation among various estimates. Avoid discrimination against colleagues or students on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, or other factors not related to scientific competence and integrity. Langer and her colleagues sent a trivial, nonsensical memo around an office, formatting it in the usual manner, whose only content was a command to return it (This memo is to be returned to Room 247).
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