Reports of changes were compiled monthly and are found in between each quarter's muster roll. However, kamikazes hit several carriers, including Franklin, the most heavily damaged carrier to be saved in the war. Upon returning to Ulithi on January 25, 1945, the New Jersey hosted Admiral Spruance who conferred with Halsey. In this episode we're talking. Pers-312 The guns had a lifespan of 300 full charge shots per barrel before the shells wore the rifling away and made the gun inaccurate. However, Admiral Halseys command decisions on USS New Jersey resulted in Task Force 34 being unable to fight a surface engagement either against Admiral Ozawas carrier force or Admiral Kuritas main force. By using the list of officers in the deck logs and the muster rolls, one can compile a list of the crew. On Box BB-62 Middletown, New Jersey 07748-0062 Phone: (908) 233-9093 Fax: (908) 233-0823 Or click below to visit their website: In the fall, she trained reservists. In support of amphibious operations, the New Jerseys 16-inch guns can deliver shells as heavy as an automobile with pinpoint accuracy. Free shipping for many products! Winds up to 100 knots blew destroyers around like corks. In 1989, USS New Jersey became a flagship once again. Internet Explorer 5 or Netscape Communicator 4.61 or newer. The New Jersey and her sister ships can outgun and outclass any rival platform. USS New Jersey was selected as to participate in the Navys first midshipman training to Europe since 1938. Decommissioned again in February 1991, USS New Jersey was towed from the Pacific to the Atlantic in 1999. At 1701, Admiral Halsey ordered the fastest part of Task Force 34 USS New Jersey, Iowa, three light cruisers, and eight destroyers to race ahead at almost 30 knots to catch Admiral Kuritas force in a night action. The Two-Ocean War, A Short History of the United States Navy in the Second World War, by Samuel Eliot Morison, @ 1963 Samuel Eliot Morison, Published by Little, Brown and Company, Boston, MA. [3] The new AEGIS system allowed Ticonderoga to track and engage many aerial targets more effectively than any previous U. Ticonderoga entered service in 1983 and deployed later . Admiral Ozawa launched a weak airstrike from the decoy Japanese carriers to attract Admiral Halseys attention, but to the Americans it appeared to be just another land-based attack. People of the Philippines, I have returned.. In the refit, USS New Jersey received electronic countermeasures and four Zuni rocket launchers modified to shoot shredded aluminum foil chaff to fool the radar of enemy missiles. When U.S. Marines land to liberate Iceland, the New Jersey and Iowa provide fire support. Band photo sent by Dave Brown. does not share your information. The New Jersey carried three different types: the BGM-109A Tomahawk Land Attack Missile Nuclear (TLAM-N) with a W80 nuclear warhead; the RGM/UGM-109B Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile (TASM) with a 1,000-pound warhead; and the BGM-109C Tomahawk Land Attack Missile Conventional (TLAM-C) with a 1,000-pound warhead. History of United States Naval Operations in World War II, by Samuel Eliot Morison, Published by Little, Brown and Company, Boston, MA. USS New Jersey - BB 62 America's Most Decorated Battleship The U.S. Navy battleship USS New Jersey (BB-62) fires a nine 40.6 cm (16 in) gun salvo during bombardment operations against enemy targets in Korea, adjacent to the 38th parallel, on 10 November 1951 Introduction Sent at 0944 on October 25, the radiogram read: TURKEY TROTS TO WATER GG WHERE IS RPT WHERE IS TASK FORCE THIRTY-FOUR RR THE WORLD WONDERS. takes your privacy seriously. Shortly after the New Jersey returned to Norfolk on October 15, the Cold War heated up, with Soviet tanks suppressing a revolt in Hungary. The length of the hull is divided with 4-foot frame section spacings into a total of 216 frames. On September 30, 1968, USS New Jersey opened fire the first battleship salvos and 16-inch shells fired since she closed the Korean War in 1953. To counter the Soviet battlecruisers and to quickly build up the size and power of the Navy, Reagans Secretary of the Navy, John Lehman, convinced Congress to reactivate the Iowa-class battleships. After she had steamed east over 6,000 of the 8,000 miles to Long Beach, on April 15, 1969, the North Koreans, who in January had seized the intelligence ship USS Pueblo, shot down an unarmed EC-121 Constellation reconnaissance aircraft over international waters, killing 31 Americans. Even before Dreadnought was built, the United States had started building all-big-gun battleships, with the first one commissioned in Camden in 1908. The New Jerseys multiple tour routes have a total length of over a mile and half. USS New Jersey continued steaming on the summer cruise for 700 midshipmen. Send an urgent dispatch to CINCPAC. Halsey radioed from the New Jersey urging that scheduled landings on several islands be skipped and that Leyte be invaded two months sooner than planned. Battleship commander Admiral Lee used a blinker light to signal the New Jersey he believed that Ozawas carrier force was a decoy and that Kuritas fleet would come out through the strait. Following overhaul, she again became Fifth Fleet flagship during the final days of World War II and remained in the Far East until early 1946. About; Archives & Collections; . On August 8, the New Jersey used her 16-inch and 5-inch guns to bombard Wake Island, captured after a heroic defense by the Marines in 1941. Unfortunately, this took Third Fleet right in the path of Typhoon Cobra. The tonnages of the ships involved and of the ships sunk were greater than in any other naval battle, and it was fought over an area larger than the Northeast United States. The armor was designed to give a zone of immunity against fire from 16-inch/45-caliber guns at ranges of between 18,000 and 30,000 yards and is impenetrable by smaller guns. The main change was to remove four twin 5-inch/38-caliber gun turrets and replace them with launchers for the Navys new, powerful anti-ship and anti-surface missiles. The New Jersey carried Admiral Spruance to devastated Manila on August 20, 1945, where he conferred with General MacArthur about the upcoming occupation of Japan. Battleship New Jersey, An Illustrated History, by Paul Stillwell, @ 1986 Paul Stillwell, Published by the Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD. The Japanese returned fire but missed. After further exercises in the Delaware and Chesapeake Bays, on August 9 the new battleship started a one-month shakedown cruise in the Caribbean, and then returned to Philadelphia Navy Yard for improvements, including an enclosed curved bridge, the only battleship with that feature. I think he told me he was on this ship. The cycle began again, the teenage seamen performing the same tasks their grandfathers had done forty years before. The Soviet commander hears the sound of ripping linen that announces the passage of the monstrous projectiles, and sees the curtain of dust and rock as the battleships shells obliterate his artillery. At 1236 Kurita abandoned penetration of Leyte anchorage, and headed back to San Bernardino Strait. In 1982, she acquired new SPS-10 and SPS-49 surface and air search radars, and later the SPS-67 surface radar. 1987 1988 To browse this image set, select from the options below. Meanwhile, the New Jersey and Iowa bombarded Japans base on Mili atoll in the Marshalls on March 18, 1944. Date of Birth: 04/12/1934. Her main belt is 12.1 inches of armor on 0.875 inches of special treatment steel (STS) with concrete in between, inclined 19 degrees and tapering to 1.625 inches. In reality, USS New Jersey became the leader of the first battleship battle group in January 1986. Decom sucked, we should have drove her right into Iraq. With the fighting ended in Korea, the New Jersey visited Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan, where Wisconsin relieved her as Seventh Fleet flagship on October 14, 1953. In World War II, the New Jersey led the Pacific Fleet under Admirals Spruance and Halsey and fought in the two largest naval battles in history. Search crew members| The New Jersey was the first ship to operate the Tomahawk, and carried more than any warship then afloat. These South Carolina-class dreadnoughts mounted their forward turrets so one could fire over the other, setting the pattern for all future battleships. I was the last Dental Officer on the USS New Jersey BB 62. There they joined the Central Pacific Force, the Navys main fleet, containing the fast carriers and fast battleships intended to fight the Japanese fleet. Meanwhile, the State of New Jersey paid to tow USS New Jersey from Washington State to the Delaware River, and tow Iowa from Rhode Island to California to take her place, before the Panama Canal came under Panamanian control. Leyte Operations, 7. Other features may include candid photographs of crew members at work and recreation, details and history of the ship, and short biographies on captains, commanders, and other prominent officers. This still left the New Jersey with twelve 5-inch guns gunpower unmatched by any ship in the Navy other than the other Iowa-class ships. When he became the commander of the Central Pacific Force in November 1943, Spruance decided not to have a battleship for a flagship so his own movements would not weaken his fleet. It crippled the Japanese carrier force, which had only 35 aircraft remaining after the battle and lost many irreplaceable pilots. Four turrets were removed in 1982 to make room for Tomahawk cruise missile and Harpoon anti-ship missile batteries. Thus, the typhoon results in a court-martial. Tugs towed her to Long Beach to be reactivated and modernized. New President Richard Nixon declined to retaliate, and four days later, the New Jersey was ordered home, arriving at Long Beach on May 5, after an eight-month cruise. On October 23, 1983, terrorist suicide bombers drove two explosive-filled trucks into the barracks occupied by the peacekeepers, killing 58 French paratroopers, 240 U.S. Marines, and a New Jersey sailor helping the Marines. Day after day, kamikaze and conventional planes would attack. By September 1950, when the Missouri finally reached Korea and General Ned Almonds X Corps landed at Incheon, the Navy began to reactivate the New Jersey. Wryly called CripDiv and BaitDiv, the slowly creeping ships did attract waves of Japanese planes and a Japanese cruiser force, but the force retreated when they discovered Third Fleet was otherwise intact. The catapults that had launched her Seahawk floatplanes were removed to make room for landings on the fantail by a new Sikorsky HO3S-1 helicopter. The next day, when she bombarded targets north of the DMZ, the Navy jet spotting for her was shot down, and she helped rescue the crew. USS New Jersey was the only battleship recalled to duty during the Vietnam War. This limited the United States Navy to 18 battleships totaling 525,000 tons displacement. Studies began in early 1938 to design faster battleships which could keep up with Americas fast carriers, outclass the Japanese fast battleships, and handle the big battleships which intelligence believed were being built in Japan. Over the next two months, she launched some of her heaviest and most accurate bombardments, again hitting Wonson, Hungnam, and Tanchon and directly supporting U.N. troops near Kansong. However, all battleships worldwide were made obsolete by Britains commissioning in 1906 of the all-big-gun, heavily armored, turbine-driven HMS Dreadnought, which had twice their firepower and could reach 21 knots. USS New Jersey is an Iowa-class battleship the ultimate battleships, and the epitome of the gun-armed ships of the line that ruled the sea for almost three centuries. By the 1980s, new technology enabled as few as 1,600 crew to operate her. Halsey commanded the Third Fleet on the New Jersey from August 24, 1944 until January 27, 1945. Information usually available on these records includes: The rolls may also list passengers aboard naval vessels, and officers may be found among passengers on troop transports. | She then reloaded ammunition and trained to head back to the war. The flat steel wall of the battleships side confronted them. The U.S. commander in Vietnam, General Creighton Abrams, tried to extend USS New Jerseys tour because of the valuable contribution she was making to the war effort. Only the New Jersey played a role in every major amphibious invasion after 1943: the Marshall Islands, the Caroline Islands, the Marianas Islands, New Guinea, the Palau Islands, the Philippines, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. From January 25 to February 4, the New Jersey protected carriers striking the Japanese bases on Kwajalein and Eniwetok atolls, enabling the Army and Marines to invade Kwajalein and Majuro atolls. Inert gas ejected scraps of the silk propellant-bags out of the muzzles to clear the bores, then the breeches opened and loading ramps unfolded into place. 345653 entries available online. Sea of Thunder, Four Commanders and the Last Great Naval Campaign 1941-1945, by Evan Thomas, @ 2006 Evan Thomas, Published by Simon & Schuster, New York, NY. Thus, the Leyte landing occurred before Imperial Japan could train enough naval pilots and reunite its fleet. Admiral Spruance on the New Jersey took tactical command of this force the first time a four-star Navy admiral was on a ship in a sea action. At her launch 29 October, she was sponsored by Mrs. Marguerite Chevalier, wife of LCdr. This pointedly illustrated the new roles of carriers and battleships. This online edition of the Commission's Production Services Directory lists over 1,000 New Jersey professionals and servicesand a growing list of certified minority, women and veteran-owned businessesthat cater to the film, television and digital media industry. The New Jersey and six other battleships then formed a battle line that pulverized the Japanese base on Ponape Island in the Carolines on May 1. DANFS - Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, Permitting Policy and Resource Management, The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks: 20 Years Later, "Ex Scientia Tridens": The U.S. As a result, the two Japanese surface-ship pincers met very different fates as they sailed into the straits leading to Leyte Gulf in the wee hours of October 25, 1944. The battleships with their large crews were seen as uneconomical. She was then decommissioned for the fourth time on February 8, 1991, at Long Beach. The task force was subjected to a flurry of attacking bombers and kamikazes, including the first use of rocket-powered piloted flying bombs. Finally, American scout planes spouted Ozawas lead ships at 1540 and his carriers at 1640. She engaged in training and weapons exercises off California and Hawaii, with port calls at San Diego and Pearl Harbor. The Battleship USS New Jersey, From Birth to Berth, by Carol Comegno, @ 2001, Published by Pediment Publishing, Canada. After visiting Portugal, Scotland, and Norway, she led NATO exercises north of the Artic Circle. West Caroline Operations, 5. . Visiting the @acboatshow this weekend? Japan committed to the attack all its modern battleships, including for the first time its treaty-busting battleships, Yamato and Musashi, with displacement exceeding 64,000 tons and 18.1-inch guns both the largest ever for a battleship. The design was recommended by the Battleship Design Advisory Board, which included Americas premier naval architect William Francis Gibbs, who designed ocean liners such as SS United States, and William Hovgaard, MITs professor of naval design, who investigated the sinkings of Titanic and Lusitania. In 1982, USS New Jersey was retrofitted with new batteries of state-of-the-art missiles. The Navy's World Wide Locatoris a service established to find the present duty station of active duty personnel, and is for official business use only. Risking submarine attack, the New Jersey and other American ships turned on their searchlights to guide the desperate planes home. Consider doing this if your retired. USS New Jersey headed into the Yellow Sea and shelled Chinnampo on North Koreas west coast on May 25. Because of their great size, they had the space and reserve buoyancy to be retrofitted with modern missile systems, while retaining unmatched firepower and armor protection. Marines said it greatly increased their morale knowing that the Big J was out there and would help defend them. The Japanese suffered almost 3,000 killed, the Americans barely 100. Communist China Spring Offensive, 2. Finally, she is a military and technological landmark. Why the encoding officer used The World Wonders as padding is unknown, but October 25 happened to be the anniversary of The Charge of the Light Brigade celebrated in Tennysons poem. USS New Jersey better showed what she could do on February 8, 1984, when she carried out the heaviest shore bombardment since the Korean War. Personnel deaths that occurred during the month were also recorded on these reports. Nonetheless, the Battle for Leyte Gulf was a smashing American victory, and one of the most decisive naval battles in World War II. The New Jersey and Wisconsin were selected, and the New Jersey remained in the reserve fleet until 2000. For After World War I, America completed her first battleships with eight 16-inch/45-caliber guns (BB-45, -46 and -48). 201 of its . The Caine Mutiny, by Herman Wouk, @ 1951 Herman Wouk, Published by Back Bay Books, New York, NY. On November 25, the New Jersey shot down six kamikazes and damaged several others, but some still struck four carriers. Very surreal experience to go back. From USS New Jersey, Halsey led the Third Fleets fast carriers, fast battleships, and other frontline combatant ships. With an eye to the worsening situation in Europe, the United States authorized expansion to a "two ocean Navy" in July 1940, which led to rapid and massive increases in numbers of ships and personnel. The first three Iowa-class battleships were built under this authorization. The Modern Military Branch at College Parkalso has custody of the Bureau of Naval Personnel Casualty Files, which have the official list of Navy casualties for each World War II action. Two months later, World War II broke out in Europe when Nazi Germany invaded Poland. As one observer stated: The battleships, cruisers, and destroyers put up a tremendous barrage which, together with burning planes all around the horizon, created the most awesome spectacle. The Japanese naval air arm lost four hundred planes and had two carriers sunk by American submarines. At Long Beach, California, in 1946, she prepared to observe the atomic bomb tests at Bikini atoll, but they went on without her. The Communist forces had just driven the outnumbered U.N. forces back across the 38th Parallel to the gates of Seoul in the biggest battle of the war. Pull yourself together! Halsey, so mad he could not talk, stormed into his cabin on the New Jersey. USS New Jerseys two four-star fleet commanders were friends but a study in contrasts. This was the New Jerseys third recommissioning still a Navy record. They made the bold decision to tow the two crippled cruisers and use them as bait to lure out the Japanese fleet. All Rights Reserved. The New Jerseys unmatched service in World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Cold War, and the conflicts in Lebanon and the Persian Gulf put her in harms way in more battles, campaigns, and wars than any almost any other vessel. Battleships trace their lineage back to the ships-of-the-line. USS Nevada BB36 Cruise Book 1916-1946 WW2 Navy Unidentified Crew Photos Military Condition: Used "It is in very good used collectible condition for its age. These ironclads helped win the American Civil War and led to seagoing warships, such as the cruiser Olympia, now berthed near the New Jersey on the Delaware. She operated off Korea during the Summer Olympics in Seoul, then sailed south for Australia to participate in that countrys bicentennial celebrations. Some of these targets, too fortified to be destroyed by artillery or aircraft, were demolished by the unmatched penetrating power of the New Jerseys 16-inch guns. It involved about 200,000 sailors and airmen, almost a thousand aircraft, nearly three hundred major warships, and hundreds of other ships. Add yours! The records include name of registrant, age, birth date, birthplace, residence, employer information, and physical description. Once again, the New Jersey became the only battleship in active service in the world. To protect her from torpedoes, the New Jersey also had an extension of the armor belt to the triple bottom, an internal bulge, and torpedo bulkheads. The New Jersey still has all eight armored box launchers for the Tomahawks and two launchers for the Harpoons. Superlatively well done.. This was the first time an American battleship had operated in the Soviet Unions backyard. The U.S.S. Four gunners and 64 crew are KIA. However, Lee and Spruance declined suggestions that they send the battleline west to engage the Japanese fleet in a night action. Many of these battleships served in World War I and provided shore bombardment in World War II. Fleets of these battleships fought each other in climactic battles that determined the outcomes of the Spanish-American War and the Russo-Japanese War. The mothballing process was reversed, and a new crew trained. Admiral Carney rushed over and grabbed his arm, saying: Stop it! 1983 1984 USS New Jersey promptly supported the next offensive, the assault on the Marshall Islands. It demonstrated to the Soviets the renewed power of the Navy in the Pacific, highlighted by a simultaneous live fire demonstration by the New Jersey and Missouri. Back to the USS New Jersey (BB 62) page|Crew List main page| There he conferred with General MacArthurs staff and finalize plans for the next big operation: the landing at Leyte Island to begin the liberation of the Philippines, then an American Commonwealth occupied by Imperial Japan early in the war. USS New Jersey, a 45,000-ton Iowa class battleship, was built at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, Pennsylvania. On January 28, 1946, USS New Jersey yielded her role as flagship of the Fifth Fleet and the Japanese occupation. Over 33 million records are contained in this database. USS New Jersey also saw more combat in World War II than any other Iowa-class battleship. A Kaman Seasprite helicopter was based on the New Jerseys helicopter landing pad to provide over-the-horizon targeting information. The refit added a pair of SLQ-32 electronic countermeasure units to detect, classify, and scramble the radars of incoming missiles. World War II at Sea, A Global History, by Craig L. Symonds, @ 2018 Craig L. Symonds, Published by Oxford University Press, New York, NY. Meanwhile, on May 27, 1945, Admiral Spruance yielded command of the main Pacific Fleet to Admiral Halsey, who was told his flagship would be Missouri. Almost the entire ship is open for tours, including her main turrets, bridge, flag bridge, some of her engineering spaces, main deck and helipad, bunks, and her central corridor so long it was called Broadway. She thus helped apply pressure on the Communist negotiators at Panmunjom. Nowaki escaped, but it would not escape its next encounter with USS New Jersey and her consorts. Another great place is the USS New Jersey Veterans Association website, their address is below. Meanwhile, USS New Jersey was again celebrated in fiction, now by best-selling author Tom Clancy. On May 23, 1947, the New Jersey had a 4th birthday bash in Bayonne, New Jersey, attended by New Jersey Governor Alfred Driscoll and former Governor Walter Edge. On September 9, 1983, USS New Jersey was again ordered to head for a hotspot: Lebanon. Return of the Battleship, by William H. Honan, Published 4/11/1982 by New York Times. The New Jerseys armament evolved continuously over her career. Do not sell or share my personal information, Date reported for particular duty or on board. Read more Price: US $449.99 No Interest if paid in full in 6 mo on $99+* Buy It Now Add to cart Best Offer: Make offer Add to Watchlist Below that is a splinter deck of 0.625 inches. In the throes of a brutal civil war after the 1982 Israeli invasion, a multinational peacekeeping force including U.S. Marines had been sent to supervise the evacuation of the Palestine Liberation Organization. USS New Jersey then steamed through the Indian Ocean to the war-torn Persian Gulf. In an overhaul in Norfolk, USS New Jersey, like the other Iowa-class battleships, had her 16-inch gun barrels removed and replaced. Those landings had been so bloody as to cast doubt on Americas ability to sustain an offensive through Japans many Pacific island strongpoints, which it had had decades to fortify. However, President Johnson declared a halt to all bombing of North Vietnam as of November 1, just before the 1968 election. She has been designated as the State Ship of New Jersey, and is a member of the international Historic Naval Ship Association. The generated steam supplied four sets of Westinghouse geared, double reduction turbines to provide an output shaft horsepower to the four propeller shafts totaling 212,000 horsepower, with the shafts turning up to 202 RPM. Admiral Halsey said this typhoon tossed our enormous ship as if it was a canoe. Halsey added: The 70-foot seas smash you from all sides. However, before this Task Force 34.5 reached San Bernardino Strait, Kurita escaped into the strait at 2140 with his remaining ships except the destroyer Nowaki, which stayed to rescue survivors. On the turrets, the armor on the face plate is 17 inches plus 2.7 inches STS, on each side is 9.5 inches, on the back is 12 inches, and on the roof is 7.25 inches. For that reason, she did not join the recently reactivated Missouri and Wisconsin when President George H.W. Aft and amidships, the ship was fitted with eight quadruple Mark 143 Armored Box Launchers to fire thirty-two Tomahawk missiles. Four quadruple Mark 141 Launchers were mounted on the superstructure to fire sixteen RGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missiles, each with a warhead of almost 500 pounds. This is a blast. For RATING SHIRTS - Click on your Rating Abbreviation below: AB. In October, the New Jersey participated in Pacific Exercise 89, the largest gathering of American and allied warships since World War II. Most were downed by Navy planes, carriers, the screen, or the New Jersey, but some got through. She ranged into the Gulf of Tonkin almost to the 19th Parallel, bombarding heavily fortified caves at Vinh. Arriving in Scotland, the New Jersey was greeted by the British Home Fleet. At 2022 on October 24, Halsey went into the New Jerseys flag plot, put his finger on Admiral Ozawas charted position, and told Admiral Carney, Heres where we are going, Mick. She also received the National Defense Service Medal and the China Service Medal. Halsey later said he made a mistake in bowing to pressure and turning south. Moreover, the museum has exhibits telling the story of the ship from design and construction through final deactivation. She became the flagship of the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean fleet commanded by Admiral Richard Close-In Conolly, who had supported amphibious invasions in the Atlantic and Pacific. To use this service, please write to the following address and include the service member's full name, Social Security number, grade or rank, and, if possible, last known duty station. Heading their way were Admiral Kuritas four battleships, six heavy cruisers, two light cruisers, and eleven destroyers. With the New Jersey refueling destroyers, Halseys force attacked the Japanese stronghold of Formosa (now known as Taiwan) off the Chinese coast on October 10-14, in what Halsey termed a knock-down, drag-out fight between carrier-based and shore-based air. When a Japanese mass air attack appeared on the New Jerseys radar, they were routed by the Third Fleets coordinated defense. Before the battle, American submarines spotted multiple Japanese task forces headed across the Philippine Sea separating the Philippines and Marianas Islands. USS New Jersey steamed 200,000 miles during the war. New Jersey's (BB-62)No. In fourteen months during World War II, she bombarded Japanese bases and landing beaches in Saipan, Tinian, Okinawa, Wake, and other Japanese-held islands in the Marshalls and the Carolines to pave the way for the American advance across the Pacific. Her main battery sent 288 16-inch rounds 15 miles inland, silencing artillery positions shelling Beirut, and killing the general commanding Syrian forces in Lebanon. She was the lead ship of a class of three battleships, and the first ship to be named for the state of New Mexico.Her keel was laid down on 14 October 1915 at the New York Navy Yard, from which she was launched on 23 April 1917 and commissioned on 20 May 1918. The seizure of Kwajalein, the worlds largest coral atoll and the heart of Japans bases in the Marshalls, was the beginning of the successful island-hopping campaign that seized key island airfields and anchorages while bypassing other Japanese-held islands, leaving them isolated and unsupplied.
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