Youd do well to try to reinforce one anothers strength, courage, and fighting spirit without directly engaging in ego conflicts. A Sun conjunct Mars aspect, then, can mean several things for you based on what each of them represents. Sent 5 times a week. She was the first person ever who I told about the abuse I endured with the ex. Your interests may be unconventional, but you go . If it means hurting others, they wont delve into it too long. We talk a lot and we have fun communicating, thats for sure. Posts: 57From: New JerseyRegistered: Jul 2014. But I will be happy to see them with such a beautiful relationship, and hopefully we'll have another baby that will be "mine", so to speak. The most you can hope for is to spur one another on to creative accomplishment, but frequently you end up battling and vying for position and dominance. does a composite or wedding chart take precedence in a relationship? Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 Our composite sun is in Pisces. Our 1H Libra definitely shows that we are an attractive couple and complement each other. Make sure you find a constructive way to release this energy so that you do not end up becoming frustrated, tired, angry and violent. You are militant and warlike with good organizing skills and leadership ability. That can be a blessing, but it can also be a disaster. Unfortunately, in most cases, people fail to control all the energy transit gives them. So it it's significant still if they are conjunct, but its awesome when there's a love stellium in there too. Although my personal planets don't aspect his Neptune at all (which is a first for me). At the same time, however, it is also quite likely that you might have difficulty fully seeing things through to their end. I'd also check out any aspects that are being made to Mars in Taurus. The powerful Sun has an equally strong friend in the planet Mars. His sun/ Mercury/ north node is conjunct my saturn, south node, descendent. The Sun represents your husband or you as a husband. Sun conjunct Mars natives have good command and confidence of their activities because they have a sense of purpose and awareness of their capabilities. You may feel that your minds are on the same page. Anything is possible. ------------------$3.50 ebay compatibility readings | testimonials | Past readings | Ideal compatibility (3rd post) | Q&A | What's a Love stellium? Chances are, each of you would give a very different answer to the questions, What does this relationship mean to you? and Where are you headed as a couple? Put your heads and your hearts together and come up with a compromise. It's like pluto but stronger. UPDATE: Composite sun venus and mercury aspecting each other at all in the composite is interpreted as a love stellium, as I found thru an internet search. 7H Sag Saturn squaring the Sun; 1H Taurus Mars squaring Pluto. It is not hard to understand why they give people who wont think twice before acting. We love to travel, are both adventorous, love trying new things, but love to come back to our little house with a tiny garden, the nest that we have created together and means a lot to us. Shared understanding, outlook and desireswhen it comes to your relationship is something that you experience and will continue to as long as you both always know how to settle things amicably. It is all too easy to get into a mood of anger and rage during this transit. Your email address will not be published. And there is a certain compulsive quality to the friendship. When the planet that rules the Sun in one chart forms a conjunction with the Mars placement in the other chart, this can imply similar and matching energiesbetween the two of you. Make sure not to get critical of each other and remind eavh other how much you care because once either person criticizes the other it can come crashing down ecause this aspect makes the person receiving the criticism like it is the most painful hurtful thing ever and like u dont love them bc of it. Posts: 1437From: DorsiaRegistered: Aug 2012, Posts: 267From: The Planet MercuryRegistered: Oct 2010, ------------------Gemini SunLibra MoonGemini MercuryCancer VenusVirgo MarsVirgo Asc, Posts: 860From: Silent HillRegistered: Aug 2011. I am a Pisces. We felt like we have known each other forever even though we couldnt havewe are from different countries. With Composite Sun conjunct Composite Venus, this can increase the love and affection between you. Even when theyre not, they appear overly confident. Accept that your energy cycles are not always in agreement, and dont push each other to be active when the other simply wants to take a break. Venus and Mercury in 3rd. Saturn is in the 1st house and has an opposition to Pluto and . You have a highly magneticpersonality with this aspect. Exciting projects, exciting relationships and exciting contexts can all provide fulfillment, but make sure you learn to find the right channels for your energy and impulses. We want to own cats, not kids ? "Yours is likely a very strong and powerful relationship. Random Synastry Aspect Observations . Both partners are struggling for power, each hoping to defeat the other. It is called venus conjunct saturn. Your bravery, passion, sense of clarity and strong sense of ambitioncan inspire you to move forward and grasp any opportunities coming your way, which can also serve as an inspiration to others around you. I have not had experience with this, personally but I can offer this interpretation from the Composite Report. mercury or the moon afflicted by mars? I also really like the Pluto opposing the Sun and Venus. They are often involved in a passionate war that can have tragic consequences. it isnt really bad of an aspect. The composite Sun conjunct composite Mars is a combination brimming with energy. Photo Credit: notonlyacolor When thinking about this combination, one of the first thoughts that popped into my head was A Tribe Called Quest's hip-hop classic: "Electric Relaxation." The archetype of Uranus shocks. You help one another come out into the world, to participate more fully and more boldly. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. One is inner energy, and one represents outer energy. When this transit occurs, the best thing to do is to immerse yourself in physical activity or do something that makes you feel good and fills you with peace. This type of Pluto square Mars synastry is very fickle since the woman (identifying with the figure of the animus) loses herself in the subconscious motives of her partner. Feeling the love? Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. Thanks Elsa. Its healing and vulnerability and the shady stuff. The Sun resembles the authority that censors our behavior and subconsciousness. I need some more space than these conjunctions. For this reason, it can be exhausting for you both to spend all of your time together. Wedding Chart says 8th house Cancer. A Sun conjunct Mars aspect, due to the immense levels of combined energy and the strong sense of protection, spirit, passion and aggression, can often leave you feeling quite angry and frustrated. Our individual charts have water with air (me) and air with water (him), some fire each and no earth but for the nodes. But the clash of these two planets is even more beneficial for physical activity and sexual drive. Not surprisingly, my husband and I have a 8th house composite Sun. In terms of chemistry and attraction, there is no shortage of these when it comes to you and your partner. its not great, but it comes out with time, and it can give a lot energy and enthusiasm to the both of u when u get together. You are someone who is fierce in your love and protectionfor the people you care about and are willing to do whatever it takes to keep them safe and happy. Yet, conjunctions are not a negative aspect per se. Business, business, business (10th) and deep private, healing emotional depths behind closed doors. Mars Square Mars Synastry aspect brings with it lots of volatility, fighting, and charged sexual energy. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 It is why these partners will have to control the passion between them, or it could result in conflicts and aggression. This basic disagreement can cause all sorts of little misunderstandings and tensions. I think the wedding chart is more like our natal chart, for the moment of the legal or spiritual agreement. CompositeChart:MoonSaturnAspects And I wonder if having all that Saturn might save the relationship. Is relationship doomed bc of Saturn? As a woman with a Sun conjunct Mars aspect in your natal chart, you are likely to be someone extremely passionate, expressive, driven, courageous and fiercewhen it comes to supporting yourself as well as the others around you. Composite sun in 1st in Cap 1deg. Also, mars conjunct this stellium is also very favorable as it gives passion, and so is pluto and the moon. Posts: 795From: Silent HillRegistered: Aug 2011. Can anyone tell what that means? Taurus 29 degrees is the Asc. Composite Sun conjunct Juno and Venus in the 1st house- Venus conjunct South Node also in the 1st-11 years marriage and still going but very rocky, personality clashes, frequent fights. You are both attuned to each others needs and your combined passions continue to excite and challenge each other in all aspects of your relationship and life. Even if you might lose some energy in some kinds of situations, you are never one to back down from a challenge, rather enjoying people and events that make you question your instincts. Exciting projects, exciting relationships and exciting contexts can all provide fulfillment, but make sure you learn to find the right channels for your energy and impulses. And then he reached out to me again last month. curiositina, I would think it gives another perspective. You are not destined to have a peaceful, placid coexistence! Like the planets cruising around the Sun, we drive our energy from our Sun sign. The thing is, this transit is neutral, and it depends on how you will use it. * Moon and Venus in harmonious aspect to one another in synastry generally indicate compatibility in romantic relationships. Its part of a stellium with the Asc in early Sag. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read. Your Mars sign will indicate how you take the initiative, experience sexuality, defend yourself and attack others. Sign in to create job alert. Although you will feel capable of everything during the transit, ensure you focus all that energy on something constructive. He is an outgoing people person (leo sun) and I am a reserved, very quiet person (aquarius sun). It is not unlikely that Sun conjunct Mars natives are vengeful, intolerant, or even ruthless. so maybe it feels comfortable and familiar but its difficult to get perspective on. Weve got a ninth house moon thats dedicated to learning in the wedding chart. It may be very physical, very competitive, very involved with high energy drives either working against each other and maybe with each other. Winning at work and competition, developing a warrior spirit, encouraging one another to be bolder and more courageous these are the positives you will discover and create together if you can diffuse the more aggressive, abrasive energies you bring out in each other. Composite sun semisquare, opposite, or semisextile venus yields the same exact interpretation in Google as composite sun conjunct venus. At least you can limit some of its potential damage by making realistic assessments, and watching the pedestal-placing. Make sure you learn some ways to think about your immediate impulsesinstead of always acting on them first even though this may sometimes have proved useful in the past. Composite Sun conjunct Juno and Venus in the 1st house- Venus conjunct South Node also in the 1st-11 years marriage and still going but very rocky, personality clashes, frequent fights. Emotional intelligence, equality, grace, emotional digging, vining, tabuism, The Dark Side of the moon and stuff like that. Yeah, I didnt either. But its essential they dont go overboard with that and suffocate each other with expectations. These two planets talk to each other, and you can actually feel it. A Composite can also show how two people deal with their differences in a marriage or living together situation. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Me and a person have a composite sun, Mercury, mars and Venus ALL in 8th HOUSE! Moon, Mercury,Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto resides here! The Sun shows where our primary focus will be. Hence, if they channel the energy well, the composite Sun conjunct composite Mars couple can be productive and unstoppable. Well that's the thing, I didn't lmao! Fonction. If you are working at cross-purposes, you will face far too many rocky roads together. Both Sun conjunct Mars partners believe that the other is their ideal type and that theyre meant to stay together. Generally, when this aspect is involved in a relationship, the people will fight a lot. i wondered why, through all the struggles we stick together. Still don't know what to make of that unaspected mars. Creating the mood and having an open mindare things you are both adept at. In this period, you wont be open to compromises. Scorp 6th house wife, Pisces 8th house husband. I ran across this thread and like it alot. His 85h house is Virgo, our moons are in Libra. Sun Conjunct Juno in Synastry This is a wonderful aspect. The Sun and Mars are in conjunction or closely aspected in the synastry chart. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. ok, maybe it's not a grand trine, but it's something that looks pretty perfect! Working together, however, is not recommendable due to their egos. Many things you attempt to undertake cooperatively are apt to be tense and volatile at times. What i do see is a trine to moon and venus from s-turn and because of it, it also sextile's the sun. Mars + Chiron = Willpower There are two yod's (without the very small semi sextiles at the bottom) and each point the opposite direction. The sun symbolizes the active part of consciousness, our ego, the desire for success and self-affirmation in the profession. It can get messy sometimes when feelings overflow One thing I have used astrology to in the intimate department though, is using the Saturn energy proactively to simply go slow. Sun Conjunct Mars Synastry, Transit, Composite, Moon Conjunct Mars Synastry, Transit, Composite, Mercury Conjunct Mars Synastry, Transit, Composite, Moon Conjunct Mercury Synastry, Transit, Composite, Sun Conjunct Mercury Synastry, Transit, Composite, Gemini in 9th House Natal, Meaning, Cusp, Gemini in 3rd House Natal, Meaning, Cusp, Cancer in 1st House Natal, Meaning, Cusp. The chances that Pluto be exactly conjunct a composite ascendant are 1 in 360 so this is not that common. There is undeniable physical chemistry between them. Same axis and the energies fit both. Saturn is squared Sun, Venus, Neptune, Mercury and trine Uranus. You excel together in athletics, vigorous outdoor activities, and the like. Its so simple and good and always has been. But they are not necessarily active or dynamic. Synastry can look at the natal charts of both you and your partner (or potential partner) to determine how well you are likely to get along. A circle linked with a line () is a visual representation of the conjunction, which implies that two objects coexist in the same space. You are assertive and always clear about what it is that you desirenot only in terms of your professional life but also in your interpersonal relationships, whether these are casual, friendly, familial, romantic or sexual in nature. I definitely would on the wedding chart. In our synastry his Mars is exactly opposed my Neptune. Were comfortable in uncomfortable places and were attracted to them. And his saturn is opposite my sun. Sun conjunct Mars natives are highly sexual and assertive in love. We have sun in gemini in the 8th house, along with mercury and chiron. Or sex lol or a strong attraction. A composite chart is a single unified chart that explores your relationship with your partner in depth in terms of your planetary placements. And there is a lot of chemistry (Mars conjunct Jupiter). CompositeChart:SunMoonAspects The Business(es) all in the Sun. Could I have the birth data for you and the guy you consider the love of your life? They enjoy the quest itself, and it makes them feel more excited about whats coming after. Or sth like that. Your reliabilitymakes you the first choice whenever people face some sort of difficulty, making you generous as well. A Composite shows how a couple presents themselves to the outside world (which could be totally different from how they really are in private). We struggle with the intimate parts, but Saturn in the 8th underscores the veritable need to be 100% authentic and vulnerable with each other. The goal is to identify the function of a connection. He is a cancer by Sunsign. Get notified about new Commercial Specialist jobs in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium. The stellium I had with guy I met at 19 which was my first truly meaningful relationship with opposite sex (pluto-mars-sun), I also have a sun-mars-saturn stellium with him and a jupiter-mars-sun stellium. But that's all I can give you with my experience. There can be a lot of passion in this relationship that needs an outlet. But when a person has them in their natal chart, they tend to produce more disharmony than positive characteristics. Addendum: Our composite ASC is 12CAP within the same degree of Saturn, and our composite Sun is 13CAP w/in one degree of Saturn. Ok thanks.Does this aspect bring sexual attraction or sex? Or, at least, they enjoy proving their point, which could mean engaging in physical fights. Grrr, I am not even usually that irrational (okay, maybe a little. I think another thing that is significant in the composite is the 2 t-squares. In astrology, that means that two planets lined up under the same sign. These two planets represent a blend of our fundamental identity, decision-making, and action-driven behavior. 8th house our relationship has certainly changed my life. Yeah we have composite sun perfectly conjunct venus in the 7th, conjunct DSC, with a wider conjunction (8 degrees) to a Neptune Mercury conjunction in the 6th house. It is why these partners will have to control the passion between them, or it could result in conflicts and aggression. I had this stellium with all of them, and also with all of my crushes except for one. Be careful to not be trigger happy as we all know that Mars always has an aggressive streak and that aggression can be defeated easily if we are careful to monitor it. Our partnership took WORK! While tenanted houses in a composite show areas that are important to the couple as a unit, a scattered chart or one where planets are not aspected show areas of disconnect within the relationship. The distance between them is zero degrees, so their energies collide, giving a Zodiac sign they share intense energy. Feel free to press forward into whatever situations you may find yourself in because you have the motivation, fortitude, and the energy to tackle them head on! It is why theyre not known for being patient and quiet. The romantic synastric analysis is the interaction of houses between two birth charts. Were great at changing and evolving. Also the sun moon conjunction. ? It lasts for three to four days, and its impossible not to sense when Sun merges with the aggressive Mars. Composite Sun conjunct Jupiter- Fun and games Truth In Aspect Astrology/ Jewel 3.5K views 2 years ago Natal Moon Square Venus- Chronic Dissatisfaction Truth In Aspect Astrology/ Jewel 24K. These aspects require our attention because planets represent broad traits that might not align with our characters and lives. Also, I two other composites between best friends who think the other is awesome but never said anything about soulmates lol. WE did start out as a clandestine affair and have pretty much stayed that way, execpt for 2 outings and 3 attempted outings, but they always fell through. But yes, Taurus is fixed and steady so it cna be interpreted as you said. CompositeChart:VenusMarsAspects The effect of this aspect varies, as each pair of planets will interact differently with each other. And venus in the 9th. The reason the pairs Moon/Sun and Venus/Mars are number 1 on the list is because these are the two archetypal romantic/marital pairs, as per their mythology and symbolism. I thought it was important for everyone to know that a Sun-Mercury-Venus stellium is probably the best sign of a close relationship, assuming there is also good synastry and saturn or uranus is neither conjunct nor in bad aspect to the stellium in the composite. Conflict may be difficult at times though, so you need to compromise without compromising your beliefs. In transit, this aspect can imply that you have lots of pent-up energy inside you. I did the composite for my husband and our soon-to-be-born baby. and their composite knocked my socks off!!! It was all about his work. It is also ideal for starting new projects and letting your entrepreneurial spirit thrive. mars afflicted by pluto or saturn? If there is 100% honesty and transparency then it could actually be very healing but if people hold back, then the opposite can be true. I just am too attached to him. Synastry- Sun Conjunct Mars- Physical Appreciation and Compatibility 32,109 views Aug 17, 2016 695 Dislike Share Save Truth In Aspect Astrology/ Jewel 45.9K subscribers How Sun Conjunct. Because you generate so much heat on all levels when you are together, your sexual energies will also be stimulated and will certainly be an undertone in your communication with one another. But with this guy, I was strongly physically attracted to him, his Mars was conjunct my Sun in synastry as well. How do you see it manifest? Our asc is in Capricorn and shows we met at work and also the age difference of 9 years. Saturn squares the conjunction. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. We are more connected than anyone I have been with for sure. A pretty packed Aquarius on the 12th House cusp so that old mover-n-shaker, Uranus, rules the house of the collective, the hidden, spirit. It really does. Action, doing, accomplishing are much of what this relationship is about. One to uranus and the other at the moon conjunct venus. I have a Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars synastry with this Scorp AS guy. Even if you make yourself a part of something that excites you at the start, it can become tough for you to bear through the entire situation or event if it seems to lose its spark. Considering that you also have strong impulsive reactions, you might need to take some time to allow yourself to cool down or find a way to healthily express your anger. Boy our chemistry was a yes yes. This can also be a great way to inspire and empower othersaround you, which is perhaps why people often look to you for support and guidance. I am not sure if Saturn in a stellium is a bad thing as a result and I am starting to think is a good sign of a lasting committed relationship. Sample from the Romantic Compatibility report: You bring out the warrior in one another, and without intending to, you both polarize against one another. I think we level one another off with the composite earth. A pressure to compete and perform is part of the essence of this relationship. ? When it is in contact with someone's Juno, your ideals of the perfect spouse overlap. With Composite Sun conjunct Composite Mercury, this can bring a lot of mental energy into the relationship, and you can be very engaging with one another, open about everything, and constantly expressing yourselves with one another. You can choose to consider this or not, some people say Composites are ONLY and SOLELY for relationships. En tant que magasinier, votre fonction ? However, you will focus on your desires and mission. Lilith in synastry sucks when you're lilith. We talk a lot, and take care of our elders in a practical way. It depends. As individuals we both need lots of freedom. Powered by Infopop 2000 They usually feel that they have a great chance together from the get-go. I had a boyfriend have their Venus conjunct it and his needs overtook mine. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS! Or sex lol. You will fight at all costs to be yourself. I just am too attached to him. And in the Davison, it falls in the 5th. They see each other as a natural choice of a partner. We have been together for more than 12 years. But he's elsewhere, nothing I can physically do about it. Example..Pluto in the 12th house..I seen that in a composite and I instantly got worried, also Mars and Saturn in the 8thinstant uneasiness. I worry with the sun here because of Neptune. I think i may still be skinning natals to the bare bone now and should maybe broaden my horizons to see what else i can learn with everything that is in astro. You may have come together due to a shared vision or interest in the arts. Remember that this excess energy can be channeled constructively. With Composite Sun sextile or trine the Composite Moon, this gives compatible energy and helps you to get along well. It's . It will depend on other planets and houses in which direction it will migrate. But, be careful. ( This topic has been transferred to this forum: Interpersonal Astrology. But they have to find a way to use that courage in the right way because it will make them bold and daring without causing feuds and brawls. For another person this could be great. Merc leads it off at 28Sag, then Sun, then a Ven/Mars at 4&5 Cap! Also Saturn, is Saturn always a downer of a planet? Whatever they choose to do, their connection is wild and passionate. This information has been a huge blessing to me today. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. Going on 20 years. Yes, we are both Saturn in CAP, but a complete cycle apart. Due to the immense energy that you have, however, having a productive channel or outlet can help you release your pent-up energy without having it simmer inside you and bubbling to burst out at any point. Sun in Gemini in 11th house Taurus. See who you know. Registered: Feb 2010. ohhhhhmy v/s We have stellium in 12th Virgo- Sun,moon, mercury, juno and Saturn all conjunct with eachother. That puts harmony at risk and causes instability. CompositeChart:SunPlutoAspects is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. My latest ladylove and I have Sun in Capricorn in the Ist house of composite AND Davison. You may find that spending a lot of time together gives you more energy and more desire to do and to achieve. But I don't know, with the way you describe it, it sounds like some Pluto elements where it is difficult but just too good to give up..but Saturn is always glue. CompositeChart:MoonVenusAspects I had an ex where we had a composite sun 8th and it was UNLIKE ANY relationship Ive ever had!!!
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