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I wondered about it at the time and this reminded me of it, is this more of like a courtesy thing where Warrants dont salute each other and shake hands instead? the Armed Forces of the United States (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard), the commissioned corps Including West Point complete cadet uniform, SFWS Dress tunics, trousers, dress shirts, belt buckles, service cap and more. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The OP's original post wasn't worded correctly. Unprofessional. I was surprised at the gate when I was saluted by the gate personnel. His approach to us was simple and he asked lots of questions about how to best kill tanks and he found that each man has their own method of how they like to do things and tactics they like or dislike and for what reasons. Tucker Chase is currently a junior at the United States Military Academy at West Point, majoring in Defense and Strategic Studies. They act only under the auspices of their supervising physician. Stay on top of the information you need to navigate the admissions process amid the COVID-19 pandemic. My CTLT with D 1/47th IN (1983) was an amazing experience preparing me to enter an Army in transition, and the esprit de corps and commitment to duty extended from CPT Barber to every member of the command, even their temporary members (a USMA Cadet and me), with especially valuable membership from NCOs in the command. 2 pm - 5 pm. Speed is your friend in a convoy, never drive slower than the rest of the civilian traffic, that way when a bad guy is trying to catch up to your convoy, he sticks out big time and the rear vehicle can easily engage him. I found from many years in the Army - with many years in the Special Operations forces - that if you do your current job great it will open the doors to the next job. Allow them to lead you too! More than likely you are just privileged. Is a cadet a regularly assigned Army Soldier? So cadets are included in the definition. Youll also be training cadets, taking courses in leadership development, chain of command, military history, and more. Does anyone know why officers can't be snipers? WEST POINT, N.Y. (Oct. 25, 2012) -- It's not a summer vacation most people would fight for but for future Army officers, this is an opportunity of a lifetime. Appreciate your reply. West Point graduates are highly sought after. Elite only in their mind. Still though, the cadet might be assigned to the unit based on the Modified Table of Organization and Equipment (MTO) to a non cadet billet. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The articles and other content which appear on the Modern War Institute website are unofficial expressions of opinion. Always seek the minority view of any situation or story! I'm popping into the conversation late, but I completely agree (not that you can argue with the regs). Cadet you are not a cadet when in you ng or reserve unit. . When I was an O-3, I regularly saluted SGM's first depending on who saw whom first and the nature of the encounter. Because according to the Army, they outrank me, sir.. What I'm saying is - IF I AM NOT MISTAKEN -, if you want to get into "action" (which I am assuming is what you want) as an Officer, PERHAPS the Green Berets might fit your desires better. Somewhat surprised by this, and thinking back to my own experiences in CTLT, I asked why he felt that way. This regulation shows that cadets rank after commissioned and warrant officers, but before NCOs. But usually, you're the one doing most of the work. Within the cadet corps there was a rank structure and cadets saluted other cadets with rank above theirs. Interestingly, when a graduating cadet received his commission, (there were no females in the cadet corps in those days), his commission was backdated 15 months to the date he entered the cadet program, giving him a lead on promotion to first lieutenant. In my experience we rarely see a decent new officer come out of West Point and it's really sad. Correction The lugnut comment was in reference to comment 11 from Toga, not the author. American soldiers first occupied West Point on January 27, 1778. United States Military Academy, byname West Point Academy, institution of higher education for the training of commissioned officers for the United States Army. I too am an honorably discharged Army Vet from an Army family. It dates back to the Revolutionary War. 2LT Eisenhower, he was a 6' 3" tall man who was assigned to our platoon in 1992. This should not turn into a them vs us type of debate. Actually, cadets do fill positions in the National Guard in the Simultaneous Membership Program and can be assigned to an O-2 slot for a period of years. Interesting because WO1s are appointed by SecDef on behalf of the CinC. Very interesting. So our government invested thousands on a lying, dishonest, ill-informed, and immature man child to lead others. I was an Air Force Aviation Cadet during the late 1950's. Look at any Command where a COL thru Gen and you will see a whole lot of Soldiers both Officers and NCOs running and doing everything to make that command function! My NCOs treated me with respect while I was a midshipman, but taught me what it meant. This would be wiser than placing a WP Year 1 cadet in charge of it. They've shown great patience, respected my process, and I am grateful for these SFCs, MSGs, and SGMs. Medical students do not do anything on their own authority, and it would be illegal as they are unlicensed. JavaScript is disabled. Answer (1 of 2): Infantry officers that are West Point grads and have Airborne and Ranger school completed usually all get selected after completing SFAS. A little ancient cadet history for anyone interested. However, images of U.S. Green Berets on horseback wearing pakols and various combinations of uniforms and shalwar kameez in late 2001 brought the issue back into public view. I think not. At West Point now and am trying to gauge which option I should pursue branch wise out of here. Transition from civilian life to military life with Basic Training, Introduction to Warfighting, and academic courses including English, math, military science, and more. Imagine that, good ol Top didnt read the entire regulation, only the part that suited his narrativeshocked. One of these ignorant academy types was my battalion XO at Fort Ord. A Leaders Guide to Conducting Research Staff Rides, Creating a Sea Change: TF 76/3, Adaptation, Experimentation, and the Joint Force, Podcast: The Spear The Strategic Lieutenant, MWI Podcast: When Cities Become Battlefields, Frank Sobchak Joins MWI as Chair of Irregular Warfare Studies, Announcing the Modern War Institutes 202223 Senior and Research Fellows, Call for Submissions: Civil-Military Relations and Modern War, Call for Applications: MWIs 202223 Fellows Program. the leadership essentially passed off their job.. but i ythink it is good these future officers learn from those entrusted to prepare the sustenance.. instead of those that havent actually been in thr kitchen for a couple years. Saluting a cadet completely invalidates the First Salute ceremony when they commission. Requirements for a USAF Aviation Cadet at the time were two years of college and passing scores on a series of IQ and skills tests such as mathematics, logic, and spatial relations. We were enlisted in the Air Force for a two year enlistment. I felt honored to have him there. I answered honestly saying that I do not believe that I am supposed to render him a salute but that I am willing to accompany him to Military Police HQ to find out . The whole point of going to West Point is to earn a commission. You know this, you are assigned as whatever rank you have in the guard. He describes his training techniques for a Special Forces Battalion and working with other nations, including the Greeks, French, British, and Iran in 1976. West Point grads are elite and you know it, Ask any enlisted person and they will tell you that westpointers are arrogant and on need of a lot of training. For some reason a lot of angry major S3 types fall into this category. (Contracted ROTC cadets are MS III and MS IV, overwhelmingly and predominantly.) He declined . You are not a leader because you graduated from an academy. Comments will be moderated before posting to ensure logical, professional, and courteous application to article content. Getting a college degree in a military environment allows the cadets to graduate as Army Officers who meet the highest mental, physical, and military standards. During cadet training we were paid at the rate of an E5. Both have an option for Cadets to be apart of a simultaneous membership program. A wise cadet will be mindful of their position. Your attitude will get you relegated to a Quonset hut in BFE. If you salute a cadet, who is not a commissioned officer you would be making the entire "First Salute" ceremony asinine if cadets had been entitled to salutes the entire time. You're right, Sergeant, a West Point cadet DOES . Normal members of the medical team fall within a strict hierarchy (just like rank). A honorific form of address indicating respect but only for officers under the rank of knight. I wondered how he, as a senior NCO in a highly specialized unit, felt about having cadets around. Give credit where its due and stop making it about you. I never saluted another LT after that as an LT. They're all going to be SEALS. The reason you would place cadets above enlisted in the rank chart is because they will be officers. His operational experience includes deployments to Somalia, Nigeria, and Afghanistan. Of course there is a certain type of officer who fails to get it. I say these factors because while the SNCO is focused on the lugnut and wheel base the Year 3 cadet is looking at the whole of the Humvee and as much of the landscape around it as he can scope out. Size: Small to Medium | Condition: Very good. The best way to train cadets to be officers that their soldiers will look up to and their NCOs will respect is to treat them the way you want them to act. You missed it my good first sergeant so I dutifully call your attention to it. Does the cadet need to be regularly assigned to a Cadet billet? He has much humility and respect for all who serve and served so he will appreciate your words. Even after more than twenty years in uniform, it still surprises me what I dont know about my own profession, and what I still have to learn from my NCOs. I mean, that certainly seemed to be the case at Airborne School back in the day. (Tribune News Service) Army West Point football players will honor the special forces soldiers who helped liberate Afghanistan from Al-Qaeda with the. For lack of official guidance I was assigned as an assistant platoon leader in an Armored Cavalry Company and my platoon sergeant was a former Navy Seal with combat tours in Vietnam (along with other unmentionable places during that conflict). The cadet never will outrank a sergeant first class, master sergeant first sergeant sergeant major etc. As he worked in our platoon, we all quietly covered for him, especially when he got misoriented now and then (analog land nav isn't simple, especially when mounted) after a few months he was squared away and we taught him our secrets and he never betrayed us. Henry Thompson is a junior at the United States Military Academy at West Point, where he majors in American politics and minors in grand strategy. Mids rank between W-1 and W-2 last time I had occasion to check. (1) If a commander of an Army element, other than a commander of a headquarters and headquarters element, dies, becomes disabled, retires, is reassigned, or is temporarily absent, the senior regularly assigned Army Soldier will assume command. Without these people, "How do you become "ELite"! I found myself going toe to toe with these junior NCOs and enlisted, but not to destroy their souls (as the NCO in me wanted to do so badly) but to talk to them and help them understand that if you treat these cadets like crap, it will be returned 10 fold in a year when they commission, hate NCOs, and are their raters. Both preflight and flight school were run under the traditional cadet model of upperclass and lowerclass where upperclassmen were responsible for much of the military training and discipline of the lowerclassmen. Short answer: no, you can't enter immediately. Technically. Served in the regulars from 1983 to 1985, and from 1987 to 1989. Here's my advise that will serve you well; always remember this; ASSUMPTIONS ARE THE MOTHER OF ALL FUCK UPS! Yet, still burdened with the unsocial characteristic of the enlisted class. Campus is 45 minutes from New York City. Two of many subjects I taught E-6 and E-7 were Military Customs and Courtesy, and Uniform. I am acting PL of my platoon because we dont have a 2LT. entitled to the salute.". Are we really saying an NCO could not do that? The key to success in your career is understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your key players AKA your subordinate leaders and junior Soldiers. And you'll have to deal with the reality that there are better men out there and you may be in over your head but don't blame others for your shortcomings. I asked if he gave the cadets in his unit a hard time as part of their CTLT experience. This is more or less the Armys summer intern program, where young future officers get hands-on experience as a kind of third lieutenant, under the tutelage of a commissioned officer for three or four weeks. Tired of all the "barracks lawyers" looking for some sort of designated, assigned, or "official" trappings of respect; absent the need to EARN that respect. CDT Vincent High marks! Als u niet wilt dat wij en onze partners cookies en persoonsgegevens voor deze aanvullende doeleinden gebruiken, klik dan op 'Alles weigeren'. They dont commission until CW2 but I guess they dont really count as Officers either. The Candidate Fitness Assessment (CFA) is one of the requirements for admission to the United States Military Academy at West Point. Mainly because I do belive the new generation of officers are a bunch of participation trophy recieving, never held accountable, privileged, idiots who can't handle that all that academy training and degree mean jack shit but to stroke their since of superiority over others. It made it very difficult to operate as an NCO under his command. This item is part of Wartime Military Memorabilia Auction. I spent 3 years as a MSG and never saluted a cadet. You guys are all discussing how the Army does it.. Im AF and In Services(Food Svc) i was assigned an Academy Cadet to teach him what i was responsible for as a SSGT. Not be pregnant. 7:30 pm - 10 pm. Sorry, I wrote that on the go from a mobile device, and can't edit it. I was a 13B20-Gunner. It is a chain of command situation. No commission? When you focus on things that scare you to death, always remember that those are your fears and we're not concerned with achieving the next rank or a nice review. I wish all the young people about to start their time at the USMA or ROTC would come back after they branch just to see how many select what they started out wanting. I learned something that day. I bet they could not even remember my name. Pilot and navigator cadets went to different flight schools. First, what an insult to a SNCO that instead of a 1SG with 10 plus years of experience leading soldiers in the absence of officers A Cadet would be next in succession. I am a cadet and am military police and drill with them as well. My friend confirmed that Navy Aviation Cadets rated salutes by enlisted personnel, at least they did at that time. Classes and field activities at West Point hold Cadets to the highest standards. Regarding saluting courtesy in the cadet corps. My Drill Sargeant after our last 12 mile road, reminded all of us that until the graduation ceremony and recite the enlistment oath only the will we officially be soldiers. Cadets are still learning and everyone in the unit should help mentor them and show the value of NCOs. Commit to service as an Army Officer after graduation. Seth Bodnar is the chief digital officer of GE Transportation. No, they won't deploy in that position, but they can and do attend annual training and NTC rotations and can act as Platoon Leader. All Army personnel in uniform are required to salute when they meet and recognize persons entitled to the salute. No matter what route an O receives his commission by, he will regard his SNCOs and NCOs who trained him with the utmost honor and respect. Milley Speaks at West Point GraduationWEST POINT, NY, UNITED STATES05.21.2022Defense Flash News - May 2022 If you think a fellow West Point graduate is a great leader, see how she/he behaves after having a soldier vaporized by an RPG in front of him. And you don't have to do any of that for delta. The rank of a cadet is for protocol issues alone such as where to stand in a receiving line or where to sit at a formal dinner. When I contracted under the SMP I was administratively promoted to the rank and pay grade of E-5 ( I had served two years previously in the Army Reserve as a junior enlisted 11B). However, I don't see the wisdom of placing a SNCO in command of a company ahead of a cadet. He served as an infantry rifle platoon leader with the 101st Airborne, as a . It is used to predict a candidate's aptitude for the physical program at the service academies. While it might be fun to haze the new margarine bar (he hasnt even worked his way up to butter bar yet), is that really the impression you want him taking with you when he gets commissioned and reports to his first unit? Upon completion of preflight we went to flight school. Too many Cadets are treated like children by unprofessional NCOs who fail to realize that they are only alienating their future rather and or senior rather. Treat the Cadets with respect. It's often hard to find but its often the real truth on a subject especially if it's being spoon fed to you in briefs and media. Ive been on both sides of the fence. While CTLT is a useful and important mentorship and developmental activity, many units see CTLT as a drag, and dealing with cadets as a hassle. Period. I request you review 600-20again. I retired ten years ago as an 11B SNCO with 26 years in service and a star on my CIB. A lot of people have been killed in combat because of the arrogance of westpointers. For example, is it a school then a tour, then a school, or can you do multiple school at a time? Rrrrr matey, were be that 3rd Lieutenant. This gives cadets going into their final years of pre-commissioning training the opportunity to experience life in an active duty unit. Those choosing a civilian career have attained great success in different professionsas doctors, CEOs of major companies, and engineers - the possibilities are endless. Future leader in some position in our AF. Nurses don't outrank med students or vice-versa. So as indicated by mil/regs a 17 year old snot nosed cadet is indeed an enlisted social/moral/intellectual/ and just plain all around great american hero. I agree totally with enlisted not saluting a cadet. The reason "cadets" are even mention in a gentlemans role is due to long ago medieval social customs. CDT military IDs show geneva convention status 3. I never got gigged for not saluting another LT, so I didnt think much of it. Tell the NCO's that you don't want to seem like a dick that you're being so picky on things, you're just building trust so later you know who's good to go and what each of our strengths are and that goes for the young LT as well (that's called humility and the men will understand because it's fair). I see that USMA had a proud communist recently graduate, he might as well spit in my face and all other better warriors than myself before me. Now by chance in a billet at some hq and psperwork comes in front of him about ration counts for personnel and what the job description calls for for a 3m Senior Cook requisition.. for his order.. what its called these days) hell be sble to understand better what the job description says. You do not join Special Forces. He is actually correct, SMP cadets serve in ARNG units in the rank of cadet. Everybody read it. Or no opportunity? including multiple combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and five years in two elite Special Forces units. It would be earned when I became the kind of Officer that he would be honored to serve as right hand to. We are all us. I was one of Cohens blue to gold mustangs in the 90s. Be between 17 and 22 years old on July 1 of the year admitted, You cannot be pregnant or with any legal obligation to support a child or children, You have to receive a nomination from a U.S. If married his spouse is always addressed a "Lady so and so.". So fairly similar arrangement as with cadets. Prepare for leadership roles by applying for jobs in Army branches. I highly doubt any West Point graduate will magically "see the light" after reading my imput on this discussion. Nobody reads your comments past the first four lines. It was priceless to see the look of surprise on my former XOs face when I walked into my old unit on a drill weekend. Light wear. Sam served as a Special Forces Detachment Commander from 2016-2019, including deployments to Somalia and Nigeria. Search . ok Cadet, go right ahead. They'd go nuts. But short of that, cadets can end up in just about anywhere. Per the order, they are not entitled to a salute. Plus their own operator course. How does one get involved with special forces after West Point? In addition to working with allied Special Forces units, he paints . "b. You earn everything in the Army. Hey brother. The main thing that you need to do is to choose a combat branch, graduate WP, go to your basic course and do great, and go to your first Army unit and be great. When a cadet has to leave the USAFA before graduation, he is assigned to a reserve unit with the rank of Airman 2C. of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the commissioned corps of the Public Health Service Fernando Lujan is an Army special forces officer and former assistant professor of politics at West Point. Corps of Engineers with a class of 5 officers and 10 cadets on March 16, 1802. Warrant Officers are formally addressed as "Mister." If athletic challenges excite you and youre willing to face your weaknesses and grow, youll face fear and conquer it at West Point. I thought this is a very well written article. Until then, do not worry about your future assignments. West Point Admissions Requirements and Deadlines. . Infantry Veterans/Retirees cluster together on various online formats and we're very concerned what direction things are going and it has nothing to do with President Trump, I've seen what a prelude to war is twice in my lifetime and I'm seeing another one but in a slower manner. The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. Shiver me timbers he pooped on the deck. Then, when you are a senior 1st Lt apply for the part of the Special Operations community you want (Rangers, Special Forces, Delta etc). They are legally considered E-5 equivalent, and aren't Branch qualified. As a CDT, I was generally treated pretty well at my unit, this could have been because I was Mustang Officer in training and a former NCO, and that my CO was part of the cadre at Western Illinois, so she made it a point to assign me to a vacant officer position, in this case kind of a huge assignment as the Maintenance PLT LDR at a MED Truck CO, whereas most units dont even know what to do with a CDT. Incorrect. From the senior officer perspective we were largely ignored. They won't forget what you've shown them and they will resent you. Sometimes, XO is a way of calling the commander or a head of a department in the organization. The smart LT listens to his/her NCO and seeks counsel from him/her. I'm not a regular progression cadet so this is a better look at the situation. All West Point applicants must meet the following personal qualifications before applying: Be a US citizen (unless you qualify under one of the exceptions) Be at least 17 but not 23 or older on July 1 of the year they enter West Point. He is passionate about the policymaking process, civil-military relations, and great power competition in the polar regions. Congressman or Senator, its important to contact these officials as early as possible since this process can take time. How would a cadet be regularly assigned? Scotts writing focuses largely on veterans issues, but he is also a big proponent of Constitutional rights and has a deep interest in politics. Officers, commissioned warrant officers, midshipmen, cadets, candidates are all affordedofficer status. Henry is a squad leader for the USMA Sandhurst Black and Gold Team, the CIC of a student discussion group associated with the Modern War Institute, and a member of the Domestic Affairs Forum. The NCO referred me to AR 600-20, Army Command Policy, which makes it pretty clear that West Point cadets do, in fact, outrank Army NCOs. (3) Senior regularly assigned Army Soldier refers (in order of priority) to officers, WOs, cadets, NCOs, specialists, or privates present for duty unless they are ineligible under paragraphs 2-15 or 2-16. Correct me if i'm wrong, but my father, an ex-drill sergeant and Iraq war veteran, told me that to get into the Delta you have to go to Airborne school, Jump master school, Ranger school, Special Forces school (Green Berets), and then a selection process into Delta. A (knight) officer is a commissioned officer and formally addressed as "SIR!"