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In my case I have a formatter for HTML and a separate one for Javascript: { "[html]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp . // Controls whether Git should check for unsaved files before committing. // Controls when the folding controls on the gutter are shown. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. 1) or below (e.g. When set to empty, the `editor.fontFamily` is used. "**/*. The high contrast theme to use is specified by `workbench.preferredHighContrastColorTheme` and `workbench.preferredHighContrastLightColorTheme`. "javascript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier". "terminal.integrated.minimumContrastRatio". // - subFolders: Scan for subfolders of the currently opened folder. All windows without folders opened will be restored upon next launch. Workspace settings - Apply to the open folder or workspace. "typescript.suggest.objectLiteralMethodSnippets.enabled". Not all processes that use ports will print to the integrated terminal or debug console, so some ports will be missed. Accepts "normal" and "bold" keywords or numbers between 1 and 1000. // Enable updating links when a directory is moved or renamed in the workspace. Preview editors do not stay open, and are reused until explicitly set to be kept open (via double-click or editing). // Controls the sizing of pinned editor tabs. ", it means your settings.json file is ill-formed or has errors. "terminal.integrated.automationProfile.osx". // Controls the vertical offset of the screencast mode overlay from the bottom as a percentage of the workbench height. // - auto: Let VS Code detect which renderer will give the best experience. When you open the Settings editor, you can search and discover the settings you are looking for. "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle", "typescript.preferences.useAliasesForRenames". // - onUnlessPressed: Inlay hints are showing by default and hide when holding Ctrl+Alt, // - offUnlessPressed: Inlay hints are hidden by default and show when holding Ctrl+Alt. // - verbose: Explorer will prompt before all undo operations. // - off: Disables all product telemetry. When overridden in a derived class, controls the binding of a serialized object to a type. Similar to `files.exclude`. That's a shame, I'll vote it up and wait and see. "debug.javascript.breakOnConditionalError". // Configure settings to be overridden for the yaml language. // Configures font variations. // Controls whether to detect and set the `$LANG` environment variable to a UTF-8 compliant option since VS Code's terminal only supports UTF-8 encoded data coming from the shell. // Additional paths to discover TypeScript Language Service plugins. "workbench.editor.languageDetectionHints". Smart scrolling allows you to lock scrolling automatically when you click in the output view and unlocks when you click in the last line. // Controls whether commits without running pre-commit and commit-msg hooks are allowed. // - same: Wrapped lines get the same indentation as the parent. // Enables the macOS touchbar buttons on the keyboard if available. // Controls whether focusing the terminal of a tab happens on double or single click. // When enabled, Outline shows `variable`-symbols. // Controls whether the semanticHighlighting is shown for the languages that support it. Errors due to incorrect setting names or JSON formatting are also highlighted. Run with F1 Beautify // - full: The editor will keep the current line's indentation, honor language defined brackets, invoke special onEnterRules defined by languages, and honor indentationRules defined by languages. Open the Settings Editor (, (Windows, Linux Ctrl+,)) and type "activity" in the Search bar. // Object with environment variables that will be added to the VS Code process to be used by the terminal on Linux. // Enable/disable inlay hints for member values in enum declarations: "javascript.inlayHints.enumMemberValues.enabled". // - fill: The minimap will stretch or shrink as necessary to fill the height of the editor (no scrolling). // Control whether a repository in parent folders of workspaces or open files should be opened. "markdown.validate.unusedLinkDefinitions.enabled". // Enable/disable the ability of smart scrolling in the output view. // A common case to disable certificate verification can be done by passing `{ "https": { "rejectUnauthorized": false } }`. // Controls whether to show the alert "The terminal process terminated with exit code" when exit code is non-zero. Relative paths are interpreted relative to the folder open in the Explorer. These have precedence over the default associations of the languages installed. // Controls whether Problems view should automatically reveal files when opening them. // - unicode: Names are sorted in Unicode order. // Emulate selection behavior of tab characters when using spaces for indentation. Each setting can be edited by either a checkbox, an input or a dropdown. As default the `editor.fontSize` is used when the configured value is less than `5` or greater than the editor font size. // Controls the feedback area size in pixels of the dragging area in between views/editors. // Controls whether the terminal tabs view will hide under certain conditions. // Specifies the path to the npm executable used for Automatic Type Acquisition. // - beforeWhitespace: Autoclose quotes only when the cursor is to the left of whitespace. // - allEditorsInActiveGroup: Save all editors in the active group before starting a debug session. // Ignores the warning when there are too many changes in a repository. // Controls the visibility of the vertical scrollbar. Next cmd+, to open vscode system preferences. More recently opened entries appear first. // - onlyWithFlag: Only auto attach when the `--inspect` is given. Stack Overflow. // Enable/disable strict null checks in JavaScript and TypeScript files that are not part of a project. // A multiplier to be used on the `deltaX` and `deltaY` of mouse wheel scroll events. // Controls whether an active snippet prevents quick suggestions. // Settings for code editors used in notebooks. // Enable/disable implementations CodeLens. // Defines space handling after keywords in a control flow statement. // Controls whether the search automatically restarts from the beginning (or the end) when no further matches can be found. // Controls whether the terminal will scroll using an animation. Use `0` to disable participants. "workbench.settings.settingsSearchTocBehavior". // Controls whether a pattern is used for the diff decorations in gutter. You can use Format Document command to format a Java file. // Controls the terminal description, which appears to the right of the title. // Check if npm is installed for Automatic Type Acquisition. // Defines space handling after opening and before closing JSX expression braces. // Controls if empty lines should be ignored with toggle, add or remove actions for line comments. A list of previously opened windows with unsaved files can be accessed via `File > Open Recent > More`. // Controls whether to automatically open the Peek view during continuous run mode. Note that there are some cases where this setting is ignored, such as when forcing an editor to open in a specific group or to the side of the currently active group. // Controls how terminal reacts to right click. Once only one group is open it will resize back to the original centered width. // Timeout in milliseconds after which diff computation is cancelled. // List of protected branches. "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace". "js/ts.implicitProjectConfig.strictNullChecks". // Controls if the maximum number of opened editors should exclude dirty editors for counting towards the configured limit. This can be used to customize most editor. // - all: Sends usage data, errors, and crash reports. // Controls the layout for when an editor is split in an editor group to be either vertical or horizontal. // Scroll only along the predominant axis when scrolling both vertically and horizontally at the same time. // Use colors for errors and warnings on Outline elements. Then how? // Defines space handling after opening and before closing non-empty brackets. Even when disabled, extensions will still be able to cause ports to be forwarded, and opening some URLs will still cause ports to forwarded. // Controls the number of recent items tracked in task quick open dialog. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `typeParameter`-symbols. // - active: Enables horizontal guides only for the active bracket pair. // - all: Show the diff decorations in all available locations. // The maximum amount of memory (in MB) to allocate to the TypeScript server process. When enabled, empty groups will automatically close. // Ignores the warning when it looks like the branch might have been rebased when pulling. This is a slow algorithm, that might cause freezes for large files, but it works correctly in all cases. // Controls whether local file history is enabled. Should probably be a github issue, and I was able to find. This causes automatic language detection to favor languages that have been recently opened and allows for automatic language detection to operate with smaller inputs. // Controls whether the editor should automatically close quotes after the user adds an opening quote. // Enables tracing TS server performance to a directory. VS Code - Prettier is formatting differently for me than others, Formatter for VSCode which puts a space before a colon, My python code is auto wrapping in VS Code, Visual Studio 2022 place curly braces in the same line in javascript. Accepts "normal" and "bold" keywords or numbers between 1 and 1000. // Controls auto save of editors that have unsaved changes. // - crash: Sends OS level crash reports. // Controls whether snippets are shown with other suggestions and how they are sorted. "css.completion.triggerPropertyValueCompletion". // - askUser: Will refuse to save and ask for resolving the save conflict manually. // - true: Ignore leading and trailing whitespace. // - debugAnyway: Ignore task errors and start debugging. // - never: Never show debug in Status bar, // - always: Always show debug in Status bar, // - onFirstSessionStart: Show debug in Status bar only after debug was started for the first time. // Configures glob patterns for determining when to attach in "smart" `debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter` mode. // Controls whether the editor should automatically adjust the indentation when users type, paste, move or indent lines. The updates are fetched from a Microsoft online service. // Sets the source from which ports are automatically forwarded when `remote.autoForwardPorts` is true. Preview editors do not stay open, and are reused until explicitly set to be kept open (via double-click or editing). // A codicon ID to associate with terminal icons by default. // Controls whether the Explorer should ask for confirmation to move files and folders via drag and drop. // Controls the color in hex (#_RGB, #RGBA, #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA) of the mouse indicator in screencast mode. // Controls whether to show uncommitted changes in the Timeline view. // Controls the automatic update behavior of extensions. // Controls nesting of files in the Explorer. // Controls whether the language in a text editor is automatically detected unless the language has been explicitly set by the language picker. // Controls whether opening keybinding settings also opens an editor showing all default keybindings. // Controls the scope of history navigation in editors for commands such as 'Go Back' and 'Go Forward'. // Controls the type of matching used when searching lists and trees in the workbench. // When enabled, the editor will attempt to guess the character set encoding when opening files. "markdown.validate.fileLinks.markdownFragmentLinks". // Maximum number of line breaks to be preserved in one chunk, when `scss.format.preserveNewLines` is enabled. // Length of network delay, in milliseconds, where local edits will be echoed on the terminal without waiting for server acknowledgement. // The default click action used in the NPM Scripts Explorer: `open` or `run`, the default is `open`. Defaults to `editor.fontFamily`'s value. // Enable/disable strict function types in JavaScript and TypeScript files that are not part of a project. // Specifies the preferred color theme for light OS appearance when `window.autoDetectColorScheme` is enabled. If source control can't be used, then the whole file will be formatted. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `enum`-suggestions. // Controls whether force pushing uses the safer force-with-lease variant. // Plays a sound when the active line has a folded area that can be unfolded. For example: `vscode.csharp`. // Controls the behavior of the settings editor Table of Contents while searching. // - neverOpen: Never automatically open the testing view, // - openOnTestStart: Open the testing view when tests start, // - openOnTestFailure: Open the testing view on any test failure. "terminal.integrated.localEchoLatencyThreshold". // Color Status bar when debugger is active. // The maximum number of outline symbols and folding regions computed (limited for performance reasons). Using indicator constraint with two variables. // - contiguous: Use contiguous matching when searching. To open the Settings editor, use the following VS Code menu command: You can also open the Settings editor from the Command Palette (P (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+P)) with Preferences: Open Settings or use the keyboard shortcut (, (Windows, Linux Ctrl+,)). Some settings can only be edited in settings.json such as Workbench: Color Customizations and show a Edit in settings.json link in the Settings editor. // - filter: Filter the Table of Contents to just categories that have matching settings. A setting of 'compact' will move the menu into the side bar. // - visible: The horizontal scrollbar will always be visible. // Controls where new `Search: Find in Files` and `Find in Folder` operations occur: either in the search view, or in a search editor. // Controls whether files should open in a new window when using a command line or file dialog. // Controls whether the editor will scroll beyond the last line. // Controls whether breakpoints should be shown in the overview ruler. "${dirty}${activeEditorShort}${separator}${rootName}${separator}${profileName}${separator}${appName}". // Specify glob patterns of files to exclude from auto imports. // - singleClick: Focus the terminal when clicking a terminal tab, // - doubleClick: Focus the terminal when double-clicking a terminal tab. // Plays a sound when a task fails (non-zero exit code). // - untilDismissed: Show the banner when an untrusted workspace is opened until dismissed. "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements". // Customizes which terminal application to run on macOS. The support suggests PHP globals and variables. // Controls the number of extra characters beyond which the editor will scroll horizontally. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `package`-symbols. This setting can also be configured per language. // - indentation: Use the indentation-based folding strategy. "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterConstructor". jupyter notebooks are . // Controls the font size in pixels used in the Markdown preview. Did any DOS compatibility layers exist for any UNIX-like systems before DOS started to become outmoded? // Controls whether the Git Sync command appears in the status bar. // Controls whether editors opened from Quick Open show as preview editors. // Run a git command after a successful commit. // - alwaysPrompt: Always prompt before changes are committed to a protected branch. Note that this depends on extensions opting into this feature. // Enable some language-neutral replacement and quotes beautification in the Markdown preview. // Configure settings to be overridden for the css language. // Configure settings to be overridden for the git-rebase language. // Controls the behavior the 'Go to Type Definition'-command when multiple target locations exist. // Controls the depth used when scanning workspace folders for Git repositories when `git.autoRepositoryDetection` is set to `true` or `subFolders`. // Configure settings to be overridden for the scss language. "terminal.integrated.environmentChangesIndicator". // Sets how line-breaks are rendered in the Markdown preview. // Controls which editor is shown at startup, if none are restored from the previous session. Note: A VS Code "workspace" is usually just your project root folder. // - path: Sort the repository changes by path. No rulers are drawn if array is empty. // Render the actual characters on a line as opposed to color blocks. // Overrides colors from the currently selected color theme. See commit afc8ab1 Share Follow answered Sep 19, 2021 at 1:32 VonC 1.2m 508 4265 5091 Add a comment Your Answer Post Your Answer TypeScript 4.7 introduced the node16 and nodenext options for its --module and --moduleResolution settings. However, there was nothing for CSS and CSS-like syntaxes. You can learn more about turning on and configuring Settings Sync in the Settings Sync user guide. // - never: Never rename paths and don't prompt. Setting this to 0 hides the Open Editors pane. // List of extensions to be ignored while synchronizing. This can also be scoped by language so you can specify which languages you do not want to be switched off of. // - alwaysNewWindow: Always open in a new window. You can also view the default values in the Settings editor or see a read-only version of the defaultSettings.json via Preferences: Open Default Settings (JSON). // Configure glob patterns for folders that should be excluded from automatic script detection. // Controls whether the editor will scroll using an animation. Prettier - Code formatter. // Controls where links in Markdown files should be opened. Only characters between U+0020 and U+007E, tab, line-feed and carriage-return are considered basic ASCII. Calculating probabilities from d6 dice pool (Degenesis rules for botches and triggers), Minimising the environmental effects of my dyson brain. // - hidden: The insert actions don't appear anywhere. Notice that when you have changed the setting value to be different than the default value, you see a blue line to the left. I set prettier as the Default Formatter in Settings and it started working again. // Whether to display the environment changes indicator on each terminal which explains whether extensions have made, or want to make changes to the terminal's environment. // Configure the opener to use for external URIs (http, https). // Open the merge editor for files that are currently under conflict. // - fileNames: Results are sorted by file names ignoring folder order, in alphabetical order. // Configures whether to show the problem matcher prompt when running a task. // Controls if native full-screen should be used on macOS. // - indent: Wrapped lines get +1 indentation toward the parent. // Controls the visibility of the Source Control diff decorator in the gutter. // Controls whether the Source Control view should automatically reveal and select files when opening them. "editor.bracketPairColorization.independentColorPoolPerBracketType". // - view: Show references in separate view. // - on: Create both build and watch tasks. // Define profile for specified syntax or use your own profile with specific rules. Requires a restart after change. Changing this setting has no effect on existing local file history entries. // Plays a sound when trying to read a line with inlay hints that has no inlay hints. // Configure glob patterns for excluding files from the local file history. // Defines a default formatter which takes precedence over all other formatter settings. // Controls whether entries in .gitignore should be parsed and excluded from the Explorer. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `user`-suggestions. // - singleTerminal: Show the actions when it is the only terminal opened, // - singleTerminalOrNarrow: Show the actions when it is the only terminal opened or when the tabs view is in its narrow textless state. // - ignore: Don't insert or remove any semicolons. This setting has no effect when the application is already running. As an example, let's hide the Activity Bar from VS Code. // When a Markdown preview is scrolled, update the view of the editor. // Controls whether a window should restore to Zen Mode if it was exited in Zen Mode. Thanks, it looks pretty good, I'm missing it in my CSS, javascript/typescript and html seems to work out of the box ok. // Controls whether to use the message from the commit input box as the default stash message. // Controls whether bold text in the terminal will always use the "bright" ANSI color variant. This setting is overridden based on the file contents when `editor.detectIndentation` is on. Use `default` for the workbench user interface font family, `editor` for the `editor.fontFamily`'s value, or a custom font family. When set to `0`, 120% of `editor.fontSize` is used. // The font weight to use within the terminal for non-bold text. When modifying a setting while there is a language filter in place, the setting will be configured in the given scope for that language. This happens either on click or when triggering the `workbench.views.search.focus` command. "javascript.preferences.renameShorthandProperties", "javascript.preferences.useAliasesForRenames". Pinned tabs are sorted to the beginning of all opened tabs and typically do not close until unpinned. // Specifies the folder path to the tsserver and `lib*.d.ts` files under a TypeScript install to use for IntelliSense, for example: `./node_modules/typescript/lib`. // - foldersNestsFiles: Files and folders are sorted by their names. // Controls whether selections should have rounded corners. Clicking a category will filter the results to that category. "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled". // Specifies the preferred color theme used in high contrast light mode when `window.autoDetectHighContrast` is enabled. // Controls whether characters in comments should also be subject to Unicode highlighting. If you're using a workspace that needs custom settings but you don't want to apply them to your other VS Code projects. // Inserting and deleting whitespace follows tab stops. I know you can Format Code using Ctrl+F / Cmd+F in Visual Studio Code but how do you change the formatting options for each language? Set to 0 to disable command history. "javascript.format.placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks". In the command palette, search for format and then choose Format Document. Set to `null` to delete the environment variable. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `field`-suggestions. Set to 0, to be able to manually resize the view. If you have settings defined for the same language in both user and workspace scopes, then they are merged by giving precedence to the ones defined in the workspace. Then it becomes visible to show the execution status. // Whether new shells should inherit their environment from VS Code, which may source a login shell to ensure $PATH and other development variables are initialized. // - insert: Insert suggestion without overwriting text right of the cursor. The nature of simulating nature: A Q&A with IBM Quantum researcher Dr. Jamie We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. // Controls the count badges on Source Control Provider headers. This value is ignored when `workbench.editor.showTabs` is disabled. // Controls whether the editor should remove adjacent closing quotes or brackets when deleting. // - countDescending: Results are sorted by count per file, in descending order. // - removeExtension: Prefer removing the file extension. // Double-click in the Markdown preview to switch to the editor. // Controls which date to use for items in the Timeline view. "javascript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled". // Controls the maximum amount of lines that will be restored when reconnecting to a persistent terminal session. // Controls the default value for attributes when completion is accepted. // - all: Show the sum of all Source Control Provider count badges. // Complete functions with their parameter signature. // - preserve: Open the panel to the state that it was in, before it was closed. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `boolean`-symbols. Set to `true` to never prompt, or use a dictionary of task types to turn off prompting only for specific task types. // - always: Always open in current window. // Show Errors & Warnings on files and folder. By default, a prompt is shown before changes are committed to a protected branch. This may not work reliably depending on your shell. Consequently, the active editor in a locked group is less likely to be replaced accidentally with a different editor. // Show tag and attribute documentation in LESS hovers. This is useful for languages like Markdown that often contain other languages that might trick language detection into thinking it's the embedded language and not Markdown. You can share your user settings across your VS Code instances with the Settings Sync feature. // - default: Enable automatic update checks. Depending on your platform, the user settings file is located here: While you can reset settings individually via the Settings editor Reset Setting command, you can reset all changed settings by opening settings.json and deleting the entries between the braces {}. // The option `"always"` applies to all parts of the file regardless of markup/css. When the number of local file history entries exceeds this number for a file, the oldest entries will be discarded. // Controls the indentation of wrapped lines. // - beside: Open links beside the active editor. // Controls the default location of the panel (Terminal, Debug Console, Output, Problems) in a new workspace.