Ott/haverstock Obituaries, Articles T

Hi, I'm back. And throughly pissed off at my school system in general. They give lots and lots of homework. Anyway, moving on! Finnaly, is it expected for said sibling's non-gender specific parent to encourage such behavior, citing "I was just like that as a child" as an excuse? I needs the duct tape! Why, the assasinating annoying cartoon characters buisness. I dunnoI guess I'm just kinda freaked out. Math is so picky. It was inspired, in part, by my sheer and utter boredom. They're basically begging on the street. So, fellow conspiracy nuts: Take down the evil governmental safety device and take it apart. And really angry, and confused. Everything is fine. I's can get to my site again! Were hoping to rely on our loyal readers rather than erratic ads. I'm sorry that my last few entries have been only about my various family antics. d)I already did that in a past life and it sucked. I usually have less than 30 minutes. HA! Wouldn't it make more sense to get a kazoo, if you're broke? When I start playing a game, I am on 0. Yes. The previous sentence made absolutly no sense. Just like all those reports people have to do. You know? So the (smallest number) + (middle number) = (largest number) The number 3, 4 and 5 satisfy this condition 3 + 4 = 5 because 3 = 3 x 3 = 9 4 = 4 x 4 = 16 5 = 5 x 5 = 25 and so . That was sort of a topic, even though it was sort of random. PARTS BREAK AFTER OVERUSE!! It's so completly garbled, it's funny. The actually think that their skin's efforts to protect them are ATTRACTIVE. does not, has never, and will absolutly NOT admit to having any weaknessbesides the aformention indivduals own skin, which isn't even a weakness anyway since no representative of the Dark, Fluffier Side can BE the Patron Saint of Paperclips (Guess, whononoTHAT'S IT!) I think this is so cool that he spent this time on it but who would really read this all, omg i have to read this about a week and im done and i just want to say this have made my day, i have wrote a story which has 12083 words in it. It's okay. Or maybe the Energizer Bunny. yeah. The world's longest non-life sentence, according to the "Guinness Book of Records", was imposed on Thai pyramid scheme fraudster Chamoy Thipyaso, who was jailed for 141,078 years in 1989. Okay. HOW ARE YOU DOING? I sure am. This has been a weird day. So, we packed everthing up. Josh says I probably won't remember writing any of this, but I can't sleep. I'm gonna launch THE OFFICIAL FLAMING CHICKENS LUNAR COLONY! are completly accidental and are not the fault/responsibility of the creators. WAIT JUST A POLYP PICKING MINUTE!! ME: Yep. It's amazing, it's incredible, it's unbelievable. And that's just what I can list from memory. Or maybe it's everybody else that's weird. I bet you wanna go eat some Ketchup covered Dum-B Gon right now, while watching "reality" TV. The insanity and stupidity is mind boggling! I said "The Union fought" With a crack, snaple and pop, some random synapses in her brain connected in the right order and she said "CONFEDERACY!!!" You exploud. Now, some of you are probably calling me a whiner, 'cause you have to get up at 4:30, or whatever. RANDOM PERSON: Uh-huh, that's nice. No, really. OH, DON'T YOU SEE THE TOENAILS?!! Login Sign up. I will just type, and type, and never, ever use copy and paste. Ain't it nifty? Now I want you to go to" If you do this I'll get points in the game. And they pushed my toes together. I'm back. Ooooo! I'm an evil villain, kitty and a freakazoid so far. We have halloween and christmas pictures on the NeoPics link. I asked her what the golden rule of christianity was. The answer is still infinity. I'll just have to do the very best that I can. Wellthey are. Fortunatly, my mom recently finnaly switched our snack food preference. And why do I even care? If I did, would I stop this? Plus, boxes are more convient than bags. Here goes. I'm allergic to parts of it, have irrational fears about others and I'm pretty sure it's against my Jenny religionalong with eating mashed potatoes, or potatoes of any kind. In Math, one teeny, tiny little mistake will make you get the entire thing wrong. Are you tired. I know a topic! Seeya! Was it coherent? I mean, who'd a thought? Not neat little text in classifiable rows, in alphabetical order. He tried to kill me! It's not like I have anything better to do. Why not click on the Very Weird Stuff link to see more, or click on the music link? Because there are an infinite number of people on either side of the spectrum. if you like our Facebook fanpage, you'll receive more articles like the one you just read! The title contains the longest word. I previous time when I was studying with her (American Revolution, this time) I was trying to help her remember the difference between the Patriots(Patriotic to America) and the Loyalists (Loyal to Britain) She didn't know what the word patriotic meant. With our patented "spray". That's right, I wanna sleep. And now, for the million-dollar question: How many calories are there in a single serving of Mustard? There is a world where you were never born. I found at that yet another one of my friends is reading this. Welltwo can play by THOSE rules. The World's Largest Maths Problem Has Been Solved, And It. (on accident, vast number of times) Hee-Hee! My sister. I'm pretty sure that the "smelly yellow ball" that he started throwing was his own feces (poo). That's the rant of the week, month, year, whatever. I just don't know. It's the same concept. What kind of reasoning is that? Now, a long time ago, people were sort of smarter. That makes me feel alll warm and fuzzy inside. She claimed that my little sister always did it to her, and she was getting pay-back. Thank you Squirell. You have to admit its sheer coolness. Its in the mail, I promise! I can usually fall back asleep (if I don't panic and think I'm late for school), but the stupid thing wakes me up again exactly seven hours after I originally fell asleep. Since all that nifty air isn't pressin' on you, your guts and stuff are free to go wherever they want, and the EVIL little things decide to roam around. Seeya. I have readers. GeeI sure hope it wasn't poisonous. What nowhmmmmmshould I share with you more of my paranoid/delusional conspiracy theories? In otherwords, she's a small yappy dog who is big for her breed. Is anyone even reading this? Shoot them down like the dogs they are! and Jones: Sho, Kernel; sho now and catching him as he fell and commandeering the first passing wagon to take him to the house and carry him up the front steps and through the paintless formal door beneath its fanlight imported pane by pane from Europe which Judith held open for him to enter with no change, no alteration in that calm frozen face which she had worn for four years now, and on up the stairs and into the bedroom and put him to bed like a baby and then lie down himself on the floor beside the bed though not to sleep since before dawn the man on the bed would stir and groan and Jones would say, flyer I am, Kernel. Don't worry, I'll go to bed soon. Was it on purpose, or was it just some mistake? We slept. Okayon to: #2 You can get out of practically anything by saying: a)It's against my religion b)I'm allergic to that. A complete and total degregation of our societies values. Do not MOCK me! I mean, I don't think I could afford a monkey, and I'm not exactly on the streets. i cannot feel my feet. Although, as I said, there's no way to prove me wrong OR right. In school, back before I even owned a computer, I'd type random words for long periods of time, 'cause I had nothing better to do. This sentence makes strategic use of the past perfect, two times. I'm back, and I had yet another Asparagus War with some people. I thought you were gonna stay here and keep me company?! Oh, yeah. Men, of course, had no complaints. But never senile. Since I have a rather weird phobia of touching my own skinthis made my evening my own personall torture session. *holds up a piece of paper, which, from a distance, appears to have writing on it* Yes, undenyable proof! You cannot deny it. I bet it does. OR, maybe it's the writing. Goodbye for nowNow I'm back. Should you refuse to aknowledge the Patron Saint of Paper Clips as the ruler of the Internet, you will be subjected to punishment as stated in Code 343 of the Flaming Chicken Handbook (i.e. My mom did it to her because it was free. The world of literature is full of examples of sprawling monologues and multi-line descriptions, but it was American writer William Faulkner who was featured in the 1983 Guinness Book of World Records for his lengthy passage from his 1936 book, Absalom, Absalom! I also am psyco-analyzing myself a lot todayhmmmmI'm even saying "hmmmmm" a lot. The vendors even play whimsical music which I strongly suspect contains subliminal messages to make you hungry for ice cream. who keeps asking if you can hear him. More recently, I was trying to instill a sense of empathy and niceness in her. Then, when it's in German, or whatever, translate it back to English. Obviously not. (Though whether it was the tan or the skimpy suits, no one will ever know.) I didn't know that they had such good technology back then. Is fat-free food more delicious than food loaded with fat? With an infinite universe, there are infinite possibilites. While you wait for yesterday's tomorrow, lunge back and remember that day. Right now, I have another twenty minutes on the Internet before I'm gonna watch T.V. I took a whole bunch of personality quizzes and posted them there. I've been obsessed with various webcomics, creating the stupidly long new Phobia Quiz and being maniacly hysterical about my site always being down due to bandwith issues. Making me(The Patron Saint of Paperclips) the Ruler of the Laws of Nature! Somehow, I managed to make my furby die. Please find all options here. Not only that, but It also displays the longest sentence used in the text and the number of characters and words in the sentences. Towards the end of the movie, Neo chooses to tell Trinity to stay out of the Matrix, since he saw her die in it. Before she could start listing all of America's enemies, I gave her a hint. Do you know I never even had a computer untill just a few months ago (that's why I'm obsessivly writing here) So I won't pity you if you're computer dies for unexpected reasons. Although I acted like an idiot. If you have a decent graphing calculator, plug in the infinity symbol divided by anything, (even infinity). Seeyahmmm..I wonder if there's subliminal stuff in my computerI'm back. You figure that one of those 100 people would actually have a coherent phrase. Okay, back to the flaming-chickens LTE rivalry. Wooooo! TWO MILES? In English, and stuff, if you miss one little detail, at most you lose partial credit, but you usually get it all right. Surely you have heard of her? A profound statement, if I ever heard one. I feel like I'm playing questions only on whose line is it anway. Yeah, this doesn't mean anything to you. Now think of 100 people typing randomly. When someone of her generation runs for president, I'm gonna do a complete background check. How did Faulkner pull it off? is a question many a fledgling writer has asked themselves while struggling through a period of apprenticeship like that novelist John Barth describes in his 1999 talk My Faulkner. Barthreorchestrated his literary heroes, he says, in search of my writerly selfdownloading my innumerable predecessors as only an insatiable green apprentice can. Surely a great many writers can relate when Barth says, it was Faulkner at his most involuted and incantatory who most enchanted me. For many a writer, the Faulknerian sentence is an irresistible labyrinth. I, being weird, am pretty much immune to such expectations. If they're anything like my sister, I'm movin' to Canada. There are not going to be conspiraciesor humor of any kind. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. If I had 500np with me, I'd be at-500. It only takes a little light to help those thingies, and smoke detectors provide more than a little. there were lots of fireworks. Okay, maybe it was the ranch dressing instead of the special, fresh buffalo wings. NowI know what you guys are thinkingsome of those items on that list are gonna be hard to find. VisitMy Modern Met Media. You expect far to much of the inanimate world. And I don't really have a topic today. Random people will think they've gone crazy, after a seemingly innocent visit to the zoo. What cruel fate is this? Think about it. Using prior knowledge, I deduced that Mrs. X was full of crap. Minerals added for a pure, fresh taste." All of Faulkners modernist contemporaries, including of course Joyce, Wolff, and Beckett, mastered the use of run-ons, to different effect. Even though air is light, that much air adds up. She promptly borrowed $1 to help with the waitresses tip(This part I'm not being sarcastic about) All in all it was a night I'll remember forever (as the lowest point in "family outing"history, except for that time my mom dragged me to a church thing on the concept of truth.) This is actually my third attempt at doing this. Grape Pie. He ignored the fact that he was also a 72 year old "sanitation engineer" somewhere. This is a list of unusually long mathematical proofs. I hope I remember doing this. Pop-Up ad's help you get rid of pop-up ads? Originally from Northern Ireland, she is an artist now based in Berlin. Well, next time you buy your $3 FREAKIN' dollar bottle of water, consider this. After all, isn't that basicly what the best teachers do? In any caseit's awful. You just let me rant on and on for you KNEW that eventually I would confuse myself with my vast puddle of knowledge. I hadn't had a genuine sugar rush since I was 11. Doesn't that just make you proud to be weird? If you want neat, go to some other site(though, as mentioned in Flaming Chickens Code:472 there is no such thing as a site better than this one). These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent.