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This ambiguity over the communitys status in the constitution led to selective interpretation by different public institutions. At least 17 migrants from Myanmar committed suicide between March and September. Moreover, it does not require equal populations in electoral constituencies in any given state. If found guilty, the cost of deportation generally fell to the detainee, which led to prolonged detention for those unable to pay. Penalties for violations were not commensurate with those for similar crimes. In February media reported an accusation by the attorney for retail worker Leong Ann Ping that Leong was sexually harassed by male suspects while detained in the local jail at Mukah, Sarawak State, that she suffered from insomnia and headaches while incarcerated, and that police were not responsive to her request for morning headache medicine. In June human rights organizations protested an illustration posted on social media by the National Task Force, a government unit charged with tightening border controls, that showed armed security officials and navy ships surrounding a boat, captioned, Rohingya migrants, your arrival is not welcome. In response to complaints, Minister of Home Affairs Hamzah Zainudin declared he believed most Malaysians were concerned that the huge number of refugees who made Malaysia their destination of choice might lead to various social ills. In turn migrant rights activist Adrian Pereira of the NGO North South Initiative expressed fear of what the governments portrayal of the Rohingya could lead to, especially after the surge of online hate against that community in 2020. In Malaysia, or at least in Kuala Lumpur, homeless people have somewhat blended into the backdrop of the city. The law prohibits defense and police officials and retired or dismissed workers from joining a union. In October, according to media reports, a senior politician from the Bersatu party, Borhanuddin Che Rahim, used an ethnic slur to describe an ethnic Indian member of the national badminton team. Domestic and international human rights groups operated subject to varying levels of government restriction, investigating and publishing their findings on human rights cases; however, the government was not always cooperative or responsive to their views. They should have proficiency in English. Political Parties and Political Participation: Many opposition candidates were unable to compete on equal terms with the then ruling Barisan Nasional coalition and were subject to restrictions and outside interference during the 2018 election campaign. What is scope and limitations of the study? Vinaiyagars death in police custody was the tenth since January. Employers are obligated to inquire into most sexual harassment complaints in a prescribed manner. Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin highlighted one of the concerns during the closing session of the 74th World Health Assembly held virtually tonight was on how the pandemic had impacted mental health and social well-being. In October UNHCR estimated there were 9,040 stateless persons residing in peninsular Malaysia, the majority of whom were of Indian Tamil ethnicity. Ahmad Marzuk also announced a special multiagency government task force, including the government multimedia agency and police, to monitor posts related to LGBTQI+ issues. Observers reported occurrences of forced labor or conditions indicative of forced labor in plantation agriculture, electronics factories, garment production, rubber-product industries, and domestic service among both adults and children (also see section 7.c.). Inspectors have the authority to conduct unannounced inspections and initiate sanctions. While authorities initially stated that they would not take action against undocumented migrants who came forward for testing, on April 29, the defense minister announced that all illegal immigrants found in areas under enhanced movement control orders would be sent to detention centers when those orders ended. There were credible reports that members of the security forces committed some abuses. Malaysia's Home Ministry reported that, as of October 26, 2020, 756 children were being held in immigration detention facilities nationwide, including 326 from Myanmar who are detained without . Multiple logistic regression shows that adolescents . In February the government introduced the Workers Minimum Standards of Housing and Amenities Act as an emergency ordinance during the state of emergency compelling employers and centralized accommodation providers to provide lodging with sufficient living space and amenities for migrant workers to effectively control the spread of COVID-19. Published by Statista Research Department , Oct 5, 2022. For Muslims, most state Islamic laws set a minimum age of 16 for girls and 18 for boys, but permit marriages below those ages, with no apparent minimum, with the permission of a Sharia court. One of the largest issues in Malaysia is tension between these people groups. Social problems are matters or situations that reduce quality of life in a society. The Malaysian Trades Union Congress is a registered society of trade unions in both the private and government sectors that does not have the right to bargain collectively or strike but may provide technical support to affiliated members. What are the current issues in our society? While authorities generally treated attorney-client communications as privileged, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission officials may question lawyers who accompanied their clients to nonjudicial commission hearings about their interaction with their clients and the content of their discussions. According to police figures, a total of 872 teenagers aged 15 to 18 committed suicide between January 2019 and May 2021. Government social protection policies will need continuous revisions and adjustments to bring Malaysia forward into a more equitable future. In August that coalition lost its majority in the lower house of parliament, resulting in a transfer of power to a Barisan Nasional-led coalition headed by the new prime minister, Ismail Sabri. Arbitrary Deprivation of Life and Other Unlawful or Politically Motivated Killings, c. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Arrest Procedures and Treatment of Detainees, f. Arbitrary or Unlawful Interference with Privacy, Family, Home, or Correspondence, a. Of the total, 30 percent were physical and sexual abuse. Police charged two business executives for using fake halal logos, and MACC arrested eight suspects including import agents and enforcement officers. The government warned internet users to avoid offensive or indecent content and sensitive matters such as religion and race, and it aggressively pursued charges against those criticizing Islam, the countrys royalty, or its political leaders. On February 17, Rafi Ullah, a Pakistani refugee, died at Sungai Buloh Prison, near Paya Jaras, Selangor State, reportedly of a heart attack; his lawyer said serious injuries on his hands and feet raised questions about the cause of death. It remained at 4.1% in 2022 and is forcasted to stabilised at -3.1% in 2023 and 2024. 2021 saw the resignation . Overview. Under national security laws, police may enter and search the homes of persons suspected of threatening national security without a warrant. Each year, millions of people have to escape from their home countries because of wars, conflicts, persecution, or climate change (UNHCR, 2022). The government restricted access to the internet. In October the government revived a 2018 criminal defamation suit against British journalist Claire Rewcastle-Brown for her reporting on the 1 Malaysia Development Berhad financial scandal that led to the conviction of former prime minister Najib in 2020 on corruption charges and occasioned his continued prosecution on other corruption and abuse of power charges during the year. In-country Movement: Sabah and Sarawak States controlled immigration into their areas and required foreigners and citizens from peninsular Malaysia to present passports or national identity cards for entry. Freedom of Expression, Including for Members of the Press and Other Media, b. Freedoms of Peaceful Assembly and Association, d. Freedom of Movement and the Right to Leave the Country, e. Status and Treatment of Internally Displaced Persons, Section 3. Dr Chua Sook Ning - clinical psychologist and founder of Relate Malaysia - said the . The sentences for subsequent convictions are fines and up to three months in jail. Indigenous persons in peninsular Malaysia, known as Orang Asli, who number approximately 200,000, constituted the poorest group in the country and had very little ability to participate in decisions that affected them. Smoking . The political environment was hostile towards women. #3. Teenagers who abuse alcohol increase their risk of negative health effects because their organs, brain and mental capabilities are still growing. Some workers alleged their employers subjected them to inhuman living conditions and physically assaulted them. Corruption: Corruption and abuse-of-power criminal trials were ongoing for former prime minister and sitting member of parliament Najib Razak, United Malays National Organization (UMNO) political party president Zahid Hamidi, and opposition Democratic Action Party head Lim Guan Eng, among others. Acryl Sani was reported to have commented that the classmates rape threat was possibly a joke. No law specifically prohibits torture; however, laws that prohibit committing grievous hurt encompass torture. Pre-existing inequalities in education were exacerbated by students unequal access to the internet, with rural and indigenous communities particularly affected. We should be focusing on children and teenagers in Malaysia as the number of social problems is gradually increasing among them. The cofounder of youth group Misi Solidariti, Sharon Wah, questioned along with four other activists, declared: Laws that arbitrarily criminalize speech and legitimate criticism remain on the book. Malaysia permits the death penalty for various crimes and makes the sentence mandatory for 11 offenses. NGOs reported that stateless children in Sabah State were especially vulnerable to labor exploitation in palm oil production, forced begging, and work in service industries, including restaurants. The Newcastle research found that 85 percent of workers reported paying recruitment fees and 43 percent reported taking out loans averaging more than $2,000 to cover the costs, which took nearly a year on average to repay. Access to education was limited to schools run by NGOs and ethnic communities, and UNHCR estimated no more than 40 percent of refugee children attended school. Malaysia restricts the rights of followers of any branches of Islam other than Sunni, with those following Shia or other branches subject to arrest for deviancy. It has a parliamentary system of government selected through regular, multiparty elections and is headed by a prime minister. Police reportedly questioned Suaram staff to assess whether the film violated sedition or communications legislation but made no determination. Defendants have the right to be informed promptly of the charges against them, to a timely trial, and to be present at their trial. The government's national five-year roadmap for 2021-25 targets child marriage. Biggest Social Issues . The list of social problems goes on and on. Family Frontiers president Suriani Kempe lamented a missed opportunity for the government to rectify this discrimination and make amends to its women who have been negatively impacted for over 60 years by their inability to obtain citizenship for their children on an equal basis as Malaysian men. After the Attorney Generals Chambers filed the appeal, NGO Lawyers for Liberty coordinator Zaid Malek termed the government position unacceptable and declared that mothers with foreign spouses and children born overseas live in fear that their children could be rendered stateless.. Government-run family planning clinics often would not provide contraceptive services to unmarried young persons. The Association of Women Lawyers advocated for passage of a separate sexual harassment bill requiring employers to formulate sexual harassment policies. According to the Home Affairs Ministry, 20 of the countrys 37 prisons were overcrowded. Freedom of expression came under attack immediately after the change in government, when authorities opened a sedition investigation into activist Fadiah Nadwa Fikri for organizing a protest against the method by which the new government came to power.