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Step 1. If he did call you mama because he naturally calls women mama then it would be likely that he would have said it to other women as well and that he would show the same body language and behavior around them as he shows around you. I don't know if you are talking to me but I didn't say anything that wasn't true. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Shortly after dropping him home she the girlfriend called my phone asking me to come back to get him. I do love him, I have met his family and they are really nice and caring towards me. I am well educated with four children by my ex husband. Answer (1 of 5): I would get rid of this guy if I were you,it sounds like he wants to get you pregnant and then split. If your eyes and ears are telling you that things between your man and his "baby mama" are not over and done, then no matter what he's telling you, you know what the truth is. Do you want to be a single mom? My boyfriend and I don't hang out for a long time because he has to go home so that the baby mama doesn't suspect anything. Ive been with this guy for approximately four months now and I feel as if hes still hung up on his sons mother. Why do you tolerate this? Maybe he wants that attention and your attention. cuz sweet heart you are no better than they are. True. N always remember God made everything in two and so he will give you the right man! In any case, don't give him that attention. Now he goes out at night with this girl and in his phone talking to 3 more . It's different. Dam, Jasmine. If this is the case, then its a good thing! I would not like that one bit, I think that crosses a line. Be it though I was in a relationship myself at the time with my other two children father. "Yes, I'm the one. It may sound petty, but he made me mad one day and I told her, and of course, she believed him when he denied it . He choked me punched me in the stomach when I was 6 months pregnant. women are spiteful ****. I had nothing left in me. Just hope she could see i learned b4 its to late. He is cheating on her by seeing you. More often than.not, people who share a child but aren't together anymore, they hate each other, or one hates the other more. Bridget Yvonnel. I would have to say that his baby mama and kid(s) is a package deal to a certain extent because you would have to put up with her for as long as you are with him. He has to put his foot down and tell bm not to call at all hours of the night. he knew this and thought that if he got me pregnant i would somehow magically want to be with him when in fact it made matters worse. If she's here on a fiancee visa, they will have to marry within 90 days or she has to go back home. telling the truth I am going through the same thing, but mine is multiple. . 15. If he is allowing her to do what she is doing, then he is moron who wants his bread buttered on both sides. He made it bed and now has his ex wife living with him and I am sure they're sleeping in the same bed. The best way to handle a situation involving a child's life and the mum's is to talk to your man about it. We all make mistakes. I don't have the effort to try again atleast for now . This post will help you understand why he called you mama and help you understand why other guys would call you mama in the future. Funny thing is, if whoever he's dealing with doesn't meet me, they're not shit. I'm dealing with the same thing and I wonder would he ever get back with her even though we have a child together now. Reply. And she has additional four other children with three different baby daddy's. He said he didn't know how to , but he was gonna tell me , he had to tell me. We would have sex on and off . Even his wife said, she didn't expect that he could go without sex for that long. Its certainly a little weirder when youre not actually the mother of his child, I can see that. And like George said she took away the ability to have my child near me for greed and selfishness. 2. He picked me. I get wanting to soend time with his kids but does this mean hes playing me? After that i change dramatically and fell even more in love with her but she left me for another guy and lied about it. Because the sex is amazing and its something we both want. Every case is different. But there is way too much conflict between my ex and I as he cannot follow court orders yet blames me for the conflict for holding him accountable with motions to show cause. I call my boyfriend heartbeat and he call me mama sometimes he change and call me queen. I would have been better for my son. Trust me its a hard pill to swallow regardless of which end of it youre on. It helped me though thNKS, It depends on the people. Because its coming. So last night I had texted my boyfriend something really nice a memory and such. I don't need anything from him but him. Guy didnt wish me happy birthday am I wrong to be upset? When he throws a new one at me, I tell him "She's not the one. I think it probably has to do with me being a very old fashioned family oriented man, I would love nothing more than to see our family put back together and actually work out. Apparently he travels a lot working, leaving little time for him to spend with his son. I know you want this guy but if you put up with this your end up hurt in the end. He's using you and you are weak. To have my daughter call my name and know that I'm only a few rooms away. But everytime he goes to see her, im blocked and she thinks theyre in love. It really depends on the person. she would have had to show respect for her man just like she should now for you. what is going to happen after that child turn 18. baby mamas are just ****, and those typical moms need to get a life because if she had somebody serious or a husband she wouldn't be doing that. Regarding always want the family together? I said it bum to the max. In the meantime he was "single" so he acquired a "gf", but now the wife has shown up, he needs to juggle things a bit to keep both women happy. If youre not sure what your guy means by it, you should ask him! Ask Your Question Fast! Her father does not pay chid support owes back pay over $40k. For the fact that they are even baby mamas they are worthless! But you cant just put up with it in silence, its always better that you speak up and let him know if anything is bothering you. All Rights Reserved. you need to talk to him and tell him that you feel disrespected. I was in a position where I supported him and always made sure he was there for them. Anyway I was ready to walk I don't want that in my life or to be a second to no one. Thats a huge ass grey area because if you had love for your ex just because, he wouldnt date you. Lol. Hi, I must say it is a difficult situation. Don't take all that **** about he don't want to **** her off because he really should be worried about your feelings first then hers for his kids sake. My bd and I were engaged before I got pregnant. Of course, its not the only way to show that hes committed to you, but its a good start! Oct 31, 2016. The SSL certificate presented by the server did not pass validation. That's life things happen people make mistakes. Many said no because the mancomes as a packaged deal with childandpossible drama with the childs mother. A Baby Mama who knows how to push your buttons will do it for entertainment purposes. WOW, Once a guy is married with kids he's not available anymore what is it girls don't get there's no such thing as a divorce! He's bull****ting you. If your boyfriend is still communicating daily with the woman who gave birth to his child, it is reasonable to be concerned that he is still associated with her in some manner. Plain and simple. They are a couple guys in school and when they found out I had a daughter they said oh no , I am too young to be taking care of a child that ain't mine I said uh I wasn't even thinking that's far I thought we were friends and that's the end of that lol. My boyfriend left me for his baby mama, now he wants me back. I was dating this guy, and it was good. She used me,abused, me publicly humiliated, me stole from me , lied regularly , and belittled me on a daily basis in private and publicly in front of men and women. A time log then bring it up to him only once if he doesn't correct the situation with the BM then there's your point he wants both of them or there's a possible affair going on between the two of them and if he does not my advice is move forward its not just about the baggage he will bring its the drama he will keep take care and good luck. No man can trap you into being pregnant. Blogging about a wide range of topics to help facilitate a better future. After he got out of jail, he went through countless of women running them away because of the things we had going on. Not sure what he has told her about me and it doesnt matter given that I have never met her and he's sending me messages about wanting to get back together behind her back as I'm sure she would not be ok with that. Hi there Catharine! I have a child with my ex and the only thing we talk about is our child and that is between reasonable hours (after 9 am and no later than 9 pm) anything else is extra. Last summer we had a bad falling out that lead me to move on with someone else. Do you not read between the lines. It is unacceptable for her to be calling for utter nonsense, the only time she should be calling would be in an emergency with the kids. This is the beginning of her trying to make the relationship hell if he doesn't put a stop to it now it will continue to happen. DO NOT GIVE HIM WHAT HE WANTS! I know right!! You should know damn well better than that. He has no respect for either of you. Jealousy is normal: This other woman was a big part of your man's life at one point, and the fact that they share a child is a big deal. At first he asked me to come get him and then he changed his mind and apologized for getting me in the middle of it. My selfishness and taking her for granted pushed her away. You should try to get over this woman first and then date. When he is dating I respect his personal life and I expect him to do the same for me. 15 His Communication With Her Is Different From Other Friends. They were never married. Today I witnessed his behavior towards him picking up his son: all dressed up and using cologne (he has to get him from exs house). It made me enraged and ruined my ****ing life. 1. Not "love" but "Love" the way back in the bedroom when they can! I know this is an older thread but hopefully you can reply.