Pictures Of Sun From Security Breach, Sherwin Williams Vs Benjamin Moore Vs Behr, Articles H

Others suggested neitherFroonnor Kremerstook those photos; they believesomeone abducted the women. In all of the photos, there is zero evidence to suggest that the dog was truly with the girls on their hike into the forest. Its so cold. My sole concern is for the young women who lost their lives for absolutely no reason. I think that this is a photoshopped image made by cutting out a picture of Kris and pasting it onto a background to give the false impression that Kris and Lisanne went on the Pianista Trail. Bizarre! So if you look behind her bottom theres a patch of light which is the light at the other end of this tunnel and shes holding her right hand up to her face to sweep back a piece of hair. Thanks for sharing this info. Being in a foreign country, in the tropical rainforests, especially for young curious minds, is a very unique experience. However, I cannot say for certain because I do not know why the owner would fabricate this part of the story. But she is definitely on a well-worn path. What people are mistaking as blood from her nose and lip is again just a shadow cast from her nostril and lower lip due to the bright sun. Theres no denying that the face looks skewed and mask like. . (this was enhanced by an AI as someone who has studied this sort of thing professionally, explains some of the distortions and weird patterns in the photos leaves and vines, the AI distorted her face lol and it made it appear she has no arm from the elbow down). I see orange spray paint markings on the base of the tree further in the cave to Kriss right. How come there are so many disappearances in S. America One day in June, the tribespeople bring him what he wants; The backpacks and the bodies. You will notice another branch of dead leaf just below it. Shes just exploring. Rainfall probably washed the bag into the water. This is something I will surely investigate more and write about in the future. Apparently this villager travelled abroad, adopted extremist Christian views, returned home and started a cult in his own village which resulted in human sacrifices of other locals. When she finally reached her friend, it was basically too late, or very close to it. This is the reason that police, journalists and military personnel often disappear and governments struggle to combat crime, not to mention corruption within law enforcement itself. If so, they may have wandered across the field looking for the original path back and got themselves well and truly lost. I think murder is quite likely. Use soft language and leave out gory visuals in what you write. Does this take a high level of tech knowledge and a computer? Estou certa que no foi Lisanne que a tirou. 2. Who said there werent any scratches on the bones? Thanks for pointing this out. Im curious. They were friends from college, and were roommates then, so Lisanne had to have known Kris password as her best friend. The 3 of them died shortly after being in contact with the girls. It looks a bit wierd, but that is just because everybody is assuming they see her upper arm when in reality is is her lower arm. Could the structure built above be some sort of a net or trapping device? If anything, they work harder to try and bring anyone to justice that harms a tourist. The girls' camera showed evidence of what may have happened. The Velleman family had been in touch with several Wisconsin and Illinois representatives as they sought assistance from the U.S. government in the search and recovery effort. Her hands are not tied. There seems to be no pictures of the dog. Shortly after this photo is when the girls encountered trouble and tried to dial for help. The photos give the appearance that they are PROMPTED to go ahead by someone. Out of the dozens of calls, only one managed to connect, but broke up after just two seconds due to the lack of reception. If you watch the four part video of the entire trail beyond the Mirador you will see exactly where this photo was taken, and there is not a cave or ledge or ravine anywhere near her. Photo link: Lets try one more time then (and please dont censor this, even if you think that it is not pretty murders rarely are! Where is the Ping for that time? Kris and Lisanne's families decided to fly out to Panama and bring Dutch detectives with them. I cant explain it but again it resembles so many of the bizarre cases which author and former cop David Paulides has brought (thousands of these similar events) right here in the US and Canada. 1. Also I see a black pipe if you look carefully near one of the red and black objects the one that was circled. if both then was the other found in their room? Hey Im not sure if someone already pointed it out but does everyone see the orange drawing on the bottom right? Both were never seen again, The Sun reports. It would also be useful to know if the metatarsal bones of Lisannes foot had showed any signs of healing. Also mobile signals are better at night yet no calls were attempted. It does not make sense to me. It actually came as a surprise to us too, but our conclusion had to be that it was an accident. The chain of custody is muddy. These nameless trails arent monitored or maintained by park rangers. While some believe Kris and Lisanne died in an accident, the ex-cop slammed the police investigation in Panama as shoddy and said it should be redone. I really feel that this place is the key to what happened to the girls. I dont think theres anything untoward I think shes saying look at this tunnel. She clearly thinks shes found something amazing. They couldnt have been that far away from the return trail to Boquette. A well-worn path. Again, these are just observations. I was clearly kept elsewhere and planted later. A priest of sorts. Also the severity of the situation would dictate the time to the first SOS call. If thats what Im seeing, I have no doubt that it was murder and that this photo and several others have been manipulated. I think someone followed the girls, caught them, killed them and brought them somewhere, hid them, so they were never found. Something happened between the morning and afternoon of the 5th because it was in the afternoon that a wrong pin was entered and subsequently every time thereafter. For me the strongest clue that not anything sinister happened is that the family refused to have ALL photos released because some show the girls in a very rough state. The black twigs can be seen growing up, as all vegetation/trees do to harness the sun, but the ones above her are clearly bent in a horizontal and parallel formation. This photo of Kris Kremers is identified as Photo 505. Should have read this before I commented lol. The ground is littered with leaves, twigs, and stones. Basically akin to that in the movie the predator. You mention the research team. Regarding the photos, I have no idea why they would be taking these, deleted some later and left this one, especially since the ribbed roofing structure is somewhat obvious. Hi Kevin, Occums razor only applies when all facts are available. The non-waterproof lycra backpack mysteriously shows up, with completely dry contents. The rich live in gated communities. The whole scene is odd why is Lisanne (if it was her) standing miles away? Thanks for your comment. Their story captivated me for some reason. If you zoom in on the picture, I noticed that her face almost seems distorted, almost as though it was swelled up? I have read several of the books. Hi Rune (and Stian), great points. Then uses the flash to take many photos of the area, so she can return for Kris after finding help. I see the nose and mouth and possibly and eye, like they were trying to hide from the girls or camera and peaking behind branches creepy. The phones showed that just hours after the beginning of their hike, someone dialed 112 and then 911. So that is what she discovered here. In this one its clear that Kris has her hand up, closed eyes and stuck out tongue. Very interesting.. They very quickly realized that they could not find the point where they entered the jungle and if they were in trouble, and that is when the 911 calls started. Its almost as if Kris is in the midst of turning back around at the moment this photo is taken, due to the foliage becoming too dense to proceed any further. Even rainwater gets heavy enough to destroy electronics inside of a backpack yet that didnt happen. Its very interesting that the dog is not clearly visible in any of the pictures. Her face is swollen from being hit, her neck is bleeding, multiple cuts all over plus you can see someone sitting on ground behind her watching. It only makes the image look more detailed, but the detail is artificial and can be very misleading. Also, I live in El Salvador, less than 1,000 kilometers from Panama, which has many cultural similarities. Forced disappearance. He ledo toda la compilacin y visto la mayora de videos. However, Dutch authors Marja West and Jrgen Snoeren claim they have solved the mystery in their bookLost in The Jungle. Was the dog fed and watered by a family as opposed to being one of the many feral dogs in Latin America? They do nothing to further discourse surrounding this tragedy and only attract people who think its fun to join in with conspiracies about the deaths of these two very real girls with very real families (who are suffering tremendous heartbreak). scary Happy reading! The rock in the riverbed is very distinctive was this location ever found and explored? If you track the photos she takes her hair down around when she reached the top of the mountain and there are photos taken shortly after this showing her to be fine, in good spirits even. Theyd probably just bury the camera in a deep hole or toss it in the river or ocean. Thats what I see as well. To touch on the disappearance case of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon, we can vividly see the incompetence that took place, even under the spotlight of international pressure. They place the evidence where it can be found, brining the matter to a close. Is it possible that Kris and Lisanne reached this field with fencing (past the second stream crossing) and mistook this place to be a different entry to the farm areas which are closer to the trail head ? Her face also appears to be heavily damaged, bruised and bleeding and her hair appears to have been pulled out and or cut as its sticking out in ways that dont seem normal for her ponytail.. Some people claim that maybe photo #509 could have been corrupted as some sort of faulty camera configuration, but that wouldnt make sense even corrupted files retain some data and bits of the original file itself. If you are in the middle of the jungle, lost, and desperately trying to find service, why waste your battery by logging into your phone. Thanks for the observation. I have a working theory of the predator (not a specific name). I think the last three photos of Kris show a definite change in mood. Unfortunately the resolution is not high enough to identify any specific shapes, although it appears to contain the colors white and red. One of them probably fell got hurt, a local found them said they would help and well they didnt help they killed them and dumped in River knowing the river would remove any evidence. Does anyone know where this photo was taken in relation to their happy photos taken at the top of the Continental divide? Thats why Kris stops in photos once in a while as if to say this way, right?. And why? This person was a local cleric. It happens often and I cant even imagine how horrible it was. This makes no sense. I also think those girls probably already perished before the dates on those daytime photos. Its a bit strange that the dog is not in any picture. The photo to me appears that she simply is bending over to get the sun out of her eyes, with her right hand help up to shield the sun. I suspect some are aware of these things but want to cover it up. Hi Joseph, Thanks for your comment. Ive even been contacted by people in Asia. Hi Anna, youre casting a wide net when you say If anything, they work harder to try and bring anyone to justice that harms a tourist.. It is possible for incompetence to work in conjunction with interests to protect key industries. What Really Happened To Two Dutch Hikers Who Disappeared In Panama? Could fishing line be being used to secure all this making it hard to see, & could that blue object on the ground be part of the roof device- step on it & it triggers it or something like that? I have spent a lifetime walking in the forest near my home and I dont see the odd things that people see. Can anybody see that? no, Jaguars fear humans and do not hunt them as tigers do in India. I know AMAZING explanition it is sad they are dead but my friend said they might be faking and Lisanne froon and kris kremer ate people to fake their bones but I think my friend is wrong. I have seen comment to suggest that they could have made the trip to the divide returned and then gone to another place but then why no more fotos on either phone or camera? Years later, some people still believe someone killed the pair. Even if that had happened, the skeleton would have been more intact and scratch marks would have been found on the bones. I am from Panama, and I know that there are way more dangerous drug and crime cartels active in remote parts of the country than officials want to admit to because the tourism would be affected. Also I wish we new more details on the phones. For all that we know, it could be someone who works for the police who did this. Also we are in the realms of Hollywood if we need such a calm and calculating mind at work other than those of the girls to abduct and or kill them and then orchestrate a smokescreen. Ela est apavorada News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. After frolicking in the sun and taking photos for a while they decided it was time to return home, BUT they had no idea where they entered the jungle so they could not find the way out of the jungle back go to the trail. As you say, it might be better if you were able to lay out the photos and see how they seem to fit together. Kris Kremers, 21, and Lisanne Froon, 22, were hiking near the town of. The blue thing on the ground looks like a blue tarp and that looks like a corner sticking out. Keep in mind, these are my observations Ive made since moving from the USA. I am thinking while I am writing so please be patient with me. And if there would be any clue in them that the girls were hurt intentionally, the parents would not stop being vocal about it. The simplest is for them to disappear. Thanks Chris!! But by April 6, the girls were still missing. There are flaws in the manipulations, such as the photo timeline, the inconsistent resolutions, the missing photo (or video), the red lines on the shirt, incorrect shadow positioning, etc. Like you would get from being hit. This is a great question. At this point I have to agree with him, and I think its likely the trail guide and some men they met were somehow involved. But after they waved goodbye to the local family for a mid-morning walk on April 1, 2014, they were never seen alive again. To Jane I just gave the brief overall story of what I think happened. Matts article about the daytime photos (link),,,,,, Kris Kremers Case: The People Involved (Reference Guide), New Case Data: Night Photo EXIF Temperatures, Video Footage: El Pianista Complete Trail Hike, Canadas Freedom Convoy Raises Millions On GiveSendGo, Panama Expedition 2021 Complete Overview, Disappearance Stories A Word Of Caution, Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon (Case Articles), 18 Critical Tips for Traveling Central America. Hi Chris, i heard of this case a few months ago and i read many articles about it. 3. And one of the branches near the middle appears to have scales or a pattern not natural to a tree branch. Because of thedark, the pairmight have usedthe camera flash as a light sourceor to scare away animals. On April 1, 2014, two students from the Netherlands namedLisanneFroon and Kris Kremers went on a hike in Panama with a dog. If you think America is a safe country youre extremely ignorant or niieve. This was cleverly planned, and the murderer(s) have done this before. I become very confused and not starting from Go and not knowing what is fact and what is anecdotal I just do not know. Froon and Kremers were both in their early 20s; they traveled to Panama to work with children. ): I read that the backpack belonged to Lisanne Froon. In fact, Im almost certain of it. & is that some sort of an entrance to a cave or another makeshift structure shes crouching to take a look inside- or is a part of the trail in that spot purposefully made lower & narrower in order to pass through? Therefore, this can prove that the likelihood of a third party being involved is very high. We live in interesting times. They added a caution sign after their disappearance for this exact reason. Hi, there sounds plausible but there is something about this case when I start to find some closure that it was an accident OR indeed foul play, I get new evidence from the internet debunking the conclusion I arrived at. Im not expecting any major reveals from Pitti shell probably just reinforce her previous statements with more insights. I hope someday the family has answers. Im not sure if people can really talk with animals but i sure would try and see by calling on a few and get their opinion. Another case that comes to mind is the case of Holger Hagenbusch: El despus, es pnico y preocupacin. The girls took photos of so many things, even many mundane thingsbut for some reason the dog wasnt present in any of the photos. Theyve been promised much if they deliver Feliciano hard evidence of the girls death. The backpack and all the contents are so confusing. Wonder if it could be a piece of an aircraft wreckage. Certainly this could have been due solely to incompetence alone, but they ignored performing relatively simple investigation tasks more than once. Sure, anyone can do these things with a computer and specialized knowledge but with this level of competence? They are really good, especially parts 3 and 4, which give a lot of information about the girls photos. I must have been living in a cave and totally preoccupied with myself when this happened because I only stumbled across this via a Youtube video ( one of many) by Juan Perea Y Monsuw on Friday. As you mention, she is blocking the sun with her hand and keeping her head down. Hence the bras and everything safely stacked in the backpack together both girls sunglasses and both girls phones (otherwise each girl would be carrying her own phone). The rich pay for their own security and the poor resort to vigilantism. These are all similar in so many of the cases in his Missing 411 series. EERIE photos discovered on a camera belonging to two missing hikers revealed their mysterious final moments before both girls vanished in the jungle in Panama. I read that the dog returned to town in the evening, alone, but I havent seen it in any pictures. However, visitors are still a crucial part of the local economy and the reason the. If its part of the trail where people walk all the time I dont think something is up with this place. Nonsense. Caruso, 56, died on June 17 after staying at the Boca Chica Resort in Santo Domingo. On April 1, the 21-year-old and 22-year-old went for a walk through the scenic forests around the Baru Volcano in Boquete. See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories. Im not understanding why they bothered to create a cover story. Returning the phones + money immediately made it look like they werent attacked for robbery. No chance. Did they each have a camera or only Lisanne? I havent spotted the finger with the silver ring in photo IMG_0580 thats the name of the hair photo, and in the night photos you found out that there are not one but two individuals that are of native origin nonetheless, which specific photos led you to that conclusion? I also live in a third-world country about which it was said that investigations were shut down, or botched, to protect the tourist industry. I can assure you that is nonsense. I know that its tempting to a lot of people to make simple conclusions, but its simply not possible to make conclusions without more information. Or whoever deleted the photos may have overlooked to delete this one as they could have done it in a hurry as well. Perhaps he gave some other persons a lift with the girls as is one of the stories out there. Also why did they go alone without a guide? If you follow down from the two red objects, there appears to be something that looks almost like blocks or siding shingles. Well done Chris on highlighting the strangeness of this place. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your interest in the case. Two years later, a 23 year old American woman is strangled to death while walking the trails. The oddest thing about this photo is the look on her face which looks very distorted. Solvable: yes; but with each year that goes by less likely. The simplest explanations are most likely to be the correct explanations. Hello Chris, did you ever get any background on the statements made by Joseph? She turns to talk Lisanna So this photo may possibly offer more insight into the story. So, their work was good but not perfect. Two days pass. Of course, there are always exceptions. Probably the culprit or stupid tribe didnt delete anything coz they took pictures on purpose .for example to sell the footage .but allready the police or parents who asked the investigator to delete it .they just simply didnt want to show it to everyone. He wants the gringos to go away and leave him in peace. Out of respect for the girls families, I think that comments like this, which I argue turn this case into some sort of entertaining Netflix series, should be removed. If they had solved the case, the international community (and the families) would have been satisfied and let it fade into history. Is this in dispute? Fortunately, theres a lot of work still underway from private investigators and researchers. However, its still possible. L&K photographed every part of the walk from the farm up to the summit; dog appears in none of their photos. Definitely foul play, in my opinion. A path looks different anyway when you walk back the other way so they would not be aware they were not heading the right way and carried on. The remains of both women were found soon after that. Hi Chris, Very interested in your website! Jumping to conclusions too early, or on the basis of too little and incorrect information is likely to lead to the wrong conclusions. 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. incredibly complicated for a new story to be written. US Is Europe's No. The parallel side-supports would have been covered with leaves in order to make a suitable temporary roof. This is highly unusual. Easily done, I have done that myself several times. The main areas of tourism in the country focus on business tourism, beaches, health and trade. The theories go from accident to a crime to a combination of both. Please remember to be considerate of the two girls that lost their lives and their families. Seems strange. You ask good questions. Why are you not sharing their photo number, why are you stating generalities, let me help you, there is a link with all the photos Another important detail was disclosed to the public: Hctor Abrego was actively searching for the missing . The point-and-shoot camera numbers its files in ascending order, the way most digital cameras do. The camera could have malfunctioned but this seem highly unlikely. Theres a blood splatter on her leg from her tendon being cut, to keep her from running away. More info here. Phone records. 9.3 million tourists visited Australia in 2019 (year ending June 2019). They were obviously following a trail, and most trails are made by humans, so human presence would be expected, I think. This means either the user became incapacitated and was not operating the phone or was seriously confused. The families are now working on having the womens' remains brought back to the U.S., he said. There have been several mass graves uncovered there in the last year alone. Local authorities dont often feel a sense of responsibility to victims and their families. I suspect the food may have been left with them when they were abandoned by drug traffickers (who initially abducted them on April 1st) after Kris was hurt crossing the monkey bridge. They no longer had their phones or camera and made no emergency calls at all. Right above it. The two friends were traveling home after spending New Year's Eve weekend at a bed and breakfast on the Panamanian island Isla Contadora on Jan. 3 when their small plane, piloted by the B&B owner, suffered an engine failure and crashed off the coast of Chame, according to friends and family. Someone with darkish skin. If you think America is safe you are ignorant! To me it looks like the chopped off end of a thick tree branch. Websites/blogs speculate about why, but nothing has been confirmed. They would have shared all the info with the private investigators whom they have hired. Cops quizzed locals, tour guides and other hikers, but only the photos and call logs provided a slither of evidence as to what had happened. I think the night photos were taken by individuals who found the device and were not familiar with the camera, perhaps never seeing a camera before. The people in Panama may be afraid to speak, but in Europe, the USA and other Central American countries there are pods of people still working on the case. Feel free to comment again or send me an email. They could have been a target early on. Its up to the public now the government closed the case 6 years ago. This tells me that they had a time in their minds of what time to leave to get back to their host home in Boquette. Ive considered a number of possibilities on the pictures. The girls phone records later showed that they started making their initial distress calls on their cell phones approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes after their last known daytime photo (Photo 508). Herm appears to be traveling up to her head, which is why you dont see her sleeve. All Froon and Kremers photos were taking with phones and a camera from six years ago, probably jpeg, with all the associated algorithm issues, let alone we have no idea of the provenance of the photos we are all seeing, I doubt any of it is first generation copies straight from the devices, and every time we copy a photo we risk changing the data somewhat. It appears to me that Kris has her right arm to her right temple and you can see part of her left elbow. The jungle was searched for another ten days with the help of the cops from the Netherlands - but there was no sign of the girls. Maybe shes told to put her hands up and walk into this structure. Im happy my work could shed some light on the possible items in the picture. Most fingers seem to point to the Panama authorities, who have also been blamed for a poor initial search in the immediate days after the disappearance. Hi Nick, yes I would agree that the red object above is just decaying plant material. Youtube channel backpackercoach or backpackingcoach i think, has a video called is it a cave? where he shows a section of trail that looks much like that. If you find more info about this, please feel free to share it. Hi Anna, yes, Im aware of that and thank you for shedding light on that for other readers. The last photo of Kris on the rocks doesnt appear to have any evidentiary value to me. Yes! There are vast cultural differences to account for, especially between men and women. For a monster (him or them) this was enjoyment. I think in the original photo she is putting on her backpack, stretching her arm and back, and the backpack has been airbrushed out because of course she didnt take that with her. Shock and fear and protecting their family from pain was the goal. Ironically enough, several of those men were also murdered shortly after. Teams investigatedfor 10 days; their hunt scaled down on April 14, 2014, though continued on for 10more weeks. It was the last time anyone saw the women alive. Like she was scouting and turned back to talk to Lisanne, shielding her eyes from the sun to see her. Its part of life in the countryside and small towns. Its our fingerprints, the police say. Do they deal in weapons, drugs, porn? Cheers, Reg. One thing which confused me were the bras the smaller one looks more like a bikini top. Hi Oliver, I do believe that theres enough evidence to conclude that some of the photos were graphically edited (photoshopped) but I dont think this photo was manipulated. Who knows if the girls really went for a walk that day by themselves? We do not know what other clothing or items they possibly took. Im baffled as to why this case hasnt been investigated more, if not for protecting an indigenous tribe. Progress is slow because at least one of them has a cut tendon. The finding of the backpack 14 miles away is too incredulous to be believed. Take care if you do go over there. All facts are not available in this case. I dont believe that anything ominous is happening to Kris in this specific photo. Most gangs in Panama are not big gangs with hundreds of members, like you would find in Mexico and El Salvador.