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The hire car company should have payed the 2.50 and charge you 38 (a steep 36 service charge). The reason? Let me put it in writing: Your website is rubbish and totally not mobile friendly, and your call centre staff are defensive and rude. who checks this system is working ? Hi you should get a notice giving you 14 days to pay at the standard tariff for your first offence but if you returned without paying you could get the larger fine. We the coin. Here is the number for the dartford crossing in case you need it. Anyone had the same situation and recommend next course of action? No chance of that unless one is very, very patient. Received a letter today(27 Nov 2015)but have proof of payment from Feb 2015. Thanks. I have received Penalty charge notice and I paid them over the phone and received emails for confirmation. Hi Follow this link for information and a direct link to an official page where you can start the appeal process. You should contact the hire firm and get the number plate. My advice? What is being done by the highways agency to address this scam I crossed the bridge on 10th August in rented car. I havent received a PCN and am worried that I will now have missed the 14 day deadline (albeit without receiving a PCN) and will be charged 70, possibly for each journey. That said, you can use the tunnel for free at night if you cross between 10pm and 6am every day of the week. What an absolute scam, where does the money go from the fines? This is initially a 70 fine, reduced to 35 if paid within 14 days. At least waste as much of their time as possible with phone calls and letters, after all they are wasting your time. ~1500. this seems like a bit of a mess to me and probably why Humber Bridge are holding back on implementing their similar scheme with everything already in place, anyway looks like we crossed twice at easter on way to and from France unaware of the its introduction in Dartford seeing no signage or media warning of its introduction. I am a British Citizen but resident now in Canada. I just phoned them (0330 300 0120) and explained that I didnt have a clue there was a toll in operation as there were no signs or toll booths. Yes. Your site is very helpful, so many thanks. Not sure how you would stand legally, but any case would certainly be helped by the fact you had given SANEF the chance to compensate you for equipment that is seemingly not fit for purpose. I driven through Dartford crossing on Saturday & driven back again on Sunday but felts so ill when I got back home so I went to bed as soon as I got in. I could put in any number plate and pay, even if the vehicle has not crossed. I made my payment on the morning of 9/9/15 as soon as I realised but I am worried as I havent had a PCN. Worth a look. Me.. but Im going on holiday and that will take me over the 14 days cant I just pay now? There are six different types of Penalty Charge Notice, so make sure you know which one you've got before you go ahead. Dart Charge Penalty Charge Notice - Can You Appeal It? I have two pieces of paper are un envelope one with pcn dated 24/09/15 with charges but other explains pcn charges but says you can just pay 2.50 within 14days from issue date and all pcn charges will be cancelled. We forgot to pay and a letter was sent, fine. Alternatively, you could A4V the PCN, meaning, that you could get them to accept for value, the fine. The letter said, it was issued on 5th of Sept. This is really unfair. Well, I can guess; they will sail through the barriers, oblivious to the implications, as I did. Choose Pay or challenge a PCN (Penalty Charge Notice) then click Next button Were my receipt clearly shows a payment of 5.00 was made and confirmed by my credit card statement , He couldnt do anything about it accept advise my to appeal in writing and to include copies of all my evidence receipt, credit card statement. just had the same happen to me i am fuming. Or you could call 0300 3000 120 and pay through an automated service or a real person, or you could go to and select transport and ticketing then select dart charge then type in your postcode and city and it will give you a list of all the payzones that accept payment for the crossing within a 5 mile radius of your street. This is never made clear. Theres no web address on the signage, so motorists are paying the wrong charge. While on holiday in France, I read that first time users of the crossing were being given 14 days to pay in view of the unsatisfactory arrangements for collecting payments (source when i contacted Dartford call centre and explained they said i owed them money however I have receipts showing that Dartford owes me money, was ment to get a call back but still waiting one week later. For each crossing! Anyway, I was informed that a PCN will be sent to hire company and then they have to make a representation to DC so they can issue a PCN to meso far so good.but I have found out that hire company incorrectly noted my address from my ID CARD! If you lose your PCN, you can contact the Dart Charge customer service team for assistance. TO DISCUSS YOUR CASE Now being told that the 2.50 is being held as a credit. The lower penalty is calculated 14 days from day crossing or from day getting somme official letter about fine? 3. I think this is an absolute disgrace! I can not understand how or why I should be liable for this mistake when I paid the amount requested online. Theres a great feature that will let you specify a location for a reminder to be triggered. This'll halve if you pay it within 14 days, but increases to 105 if you don't pay. Used the crossing on Saturday, and could not pay within the usual time limit of midnight on the day after because i was travelling. 10. Greetings, Buongiorno, sono Italiano, sono passato sotto il tunnel il 16 agosto 2015 con il mio camper e al momento del passaggio mi sono stupito della mancanza dei caselli, (ero stato a Londra nel 2013 e ci si fermava per pagare), oggi 1 dicembre 2015 ricevo la sanzione e sono costretto a pagare 35 sterline, volevo sapere se tutto ci corretto, se lazienda non stia facendo una truffa a tutte le persone che non sanno che in quel punto le cose sono cambiate. There are other reasons why you could appeal the Dart charge. This demonstrates a fundamental flaw in your accounting system. I have a slightly different issue, I went through the tunnel on the 19th February but knowing I had to pay I set up an account when I arrived in Essex. ..DC- You have to wait for the penalty notice to see if you are offered the 2.50. Reading these comments I am now worried I will receive a load of penalty notices in five months time demanding vast sums of money. Until the 31st of March 2016!!! Hi- Thanks for sending your story. On the appeal page them start appeal link is very small and hidden at the bottom of the page hmm! We should have waited until they fined us so we had an IA number then paid using this number. lick on the underlined words Making a Representation I put it down to road works being carried out at that time. On the 17th I checked on line and found I had paid 5 but been charged only 2.50 for a single crossing. Was in a non fault accident, paid 250 excess, other driver has lied and didnt pay a penny as its a company lorry. If so, you should be fine for both trips. Its easy to forget if you only use the crossing once in a while and it is very unfair to refuse to take payment before the fine has been issued. 4 days after Christmas I remembered and paid the charge trough the net but I wonder if Ill get a penalty or not. Like Manfred, I have no tablet, notebook or computer with me on my hoilday, only an smartphone without access to data in UK; and paying buy phone is not very easy for a person who dont live in UK. Please can you help? Then they ask for 37.50. I am very interested and heartened by the outcome of your independent tribunal. MoneyNerd does not give specific debt advice and we recommend that you always discuss your personal situation with a qualified adviser that works for a company that is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Surely as a statutory body they have a duty to act fairly and it seems grossly unfair to have such a tight deadline and to refuse to accept payment before the fine has been issued. The power to issue a penalty charge notice is a discretionary one the regulations state that the authority may issue a penalty charge notice (my emphasis). I think making an online payment or on the phone (when it starts working again) would be the best bet. The first time, when I called the Dart Charge number, it was waived as a first offence. The second time, I forgot again but woke up in the middle of the next night remembering I hadnt paid. We had money in hand ready to pay at booth but saw no booths or barriers so assumed toll had been dropped. (6) where are the payzone retail outlets in my area. I crossed over on at 3pm on Sat 25 July and returned the same evening, not sure if this was after 10pm or not. I am now being billed for 6 for the 2 crossings and have appealed. Also, check the terms and conditions from the van hire company, the 30 charge seems excessive. (1). I received two PCNs for a journey (one going out and one coming back). Using their automated telephone service, I have been told that the money has been taken for the registered crossings I have made. One benefit of. So how can I get the 14-day grace period and pay 2.50 only please? Too many people like you are being hounded for doing no more than the right thing. In the first month alone, potential fines amounted to 21 million. I fully agree that the Dart Charge is not clearly marked, they should have signs to say it operates at 'any time' and there should be signs to indicate the cost. If you fail to pay them, they add a little on but nowhere near as much as the Crossing. 1. you also confirm that you are the owner of the vehicle(s) that you wish to pay for and/or have the permission of the vehicle owner(s) to pay for crossings and receive information about the vehicle and its crossings. (!?) one year on from Shane Warne's death, Daily Mail Australia remembers cricket's . So i now face paying a total of 1050 for this oversight. Its scandalous. They make it difficult so that most of us just give up and pay the money. contact us page. The message tells me access via the website. I then was given a courtesy car. By chance, I have today found the relevant information on the web. I refuse to pay a penny!! Unfortunately, many motorists were charged twice for a single crossing because tolls duplicated their payments. Maybe Ive just been lucky but worth trying! Are you wondering whether to pay it or dispute the fine? will help us to improve it. This morning I received a fine and Im devastated. The signs were very unclear they say Dart Charge: find us online, pay by midnight tomorrow. Theres no info saying *who* actually has to pay these charges, nor indeed how much they are. The phone will remind you to pay as you arrive at the your destination or crossing6. We charged an admin fee each time. Hi Im hoping you can help. I was expecting a lighter treatment, as per the words of a Dart Charge spokesperson, quote: The first penalty charge notice issued for any vehicle for non-payment of the charge will offer the driver an extra 14 days to pay and pay for any crossings they have made since. I think you have answered your own question there. In the past a similar approach to doing business has resulted in heavy fines for some companies. After this I completely forgot about not paying, I have just remembered. How to pay penalty without any letter to do? What an absolute racket! The hire company said im responsible for all fines, which I took to mean speeding, jumping lights etc. I used the crossing on 2nd and 14th dec and paid the 2.50 each time as requested. Free debt counselling, debt adjusting and providing of credit information services are available from MoneyHelper, an independent service set up to help people manage their money. Lets see if they are human. Someone is laughing. Make sure you swerve the fine with here. The latter may also have made an honest mistake or may not have understood the system and the appeal system is there to sort them out from the chancers. If this is the first time you have forgotten to pay, then you will get a chance to pay within 14 days of a notice being sent to you. Three points: Anyone know who is in charge of this? It is not right that I have to pay more because of mail delay. I telephoned on the 22/05/2015 and was told if I paid 2.50 it would be ok, perhaps that person should have done a proper check or perhaps they are not trained. Go online click on one off trips etc. If you have not paid by midnight on the day after you use the crossing you will be issued with a penalty charge of 70, on top of the original crossing charge. Just wait for the notice to arrive. I have appealed and await the response. Simply use the store locator below to find the outlet thats closest to you. It was their computer system that told me what to pay after entering his registration number!!!! Surely there must be a limit as there would be for a speeding fine by the police. It might be worth the 2.50 gamble on paying or phone them and explain the situation. Its a bit sneaky, but last time I had a PCN, I paid 5 for a trial of an online Solicitor called JustAnswer. We don't as a general policy investigate the solvency of companies mentioned (how likely they are to go bust), but there is a risk any company can struggle and it's rarely made public until it's too late (see the. I feel that this an unfair, and as long the british continue to pay and not raise a petition against this by writing to the Secretary of state, they will continue to enforce an unreasonable application. Couldnt they have left 1 booth open for all those drivers who dont waste half their life figuring out how to pay ridiculous toll charges in their chosen holiday destination? Their records show I had paid and this charge certificate has been sent out by mistake. If it was your first offence, you will be given 14 days to pay the original toll and avoid the fine. She did not understand the toll charge system. All rights reserved. Furthermore by reading some information normally people are warned if they pay to late (after 14 days) which I never got. I wonder if there is a glitch, I have returned the pcn with copy of payment receipt so just waiting for reply. A Dart Charge Penalty Charge Notice will be issued and sent to the registered keepers address held by DVLA on the date of the crossing. 42 is a lot for any hire car firm. Pay by post: If you really dont like using new technology, then Luddites will feel at home with this err handy pay-by-post option. Chiedo di rivalutare la mia sanzione e di poter abbassare la quota perch se ci sono 300.000 autisti che non pagano ci sar pure un motivo. There is no signalling at Clackets lane , mobiles from Europe do not always connect. Click here to pay online, set up a payment plan or manage your account using our Customer Portal. Siccome sono una persona onesta, ho preferito pagare, con quei soldi sarei salito volentieri sulla london eye con tutta la famiglia e mia figlia e ho rinunciato perch londra per unitaliano cara, mi scoccia veramente tanto avervi regalato quei soldi per un tunnel, adesso lo so la prossima volta piuttosto di passare per il tunnel spendo il doppio di carburante. This system has to be one of the worst conceived forms of moronism in whole government. Editor, Marcus Herbert. The whole system has been designed and set up to catch out motorists. I am from Germany. I have just received a late payment bill for 38.50 which it seems the hire company has paid from my credit card on my behalf. Hi Pay when you get back and you should be fine if it is the first time that you forgot to pay. If you believe you should not have been issued a penalty charge notice, you can challenge it by 1. I have not received a PCN and the only reason I am expecting to receive one is because of your offices response sent Fri 07/08/2015 10:41, to my message submitted online the same day. Had to telephone instead! If they continue to issue incorrect PCNs do I have any process of redress against them? If it is 2.50, then let it be 2.50, how can an overnight or next day midnight turn to several hundreds of pounds, what happened to the road overnight. However, having completed the whole of the online form, the process suddenly ended just as before, as I tried to pay the 10 advance payment. They also damaged the vehicle. Trademark No: UK00003340161. Dont know if that helps, and you may not want the stress involved. If it was two crossings, its likely youll receive a fine for the second. This system is completely insane. Why would the do that?!?! I made representations about the penalty charge to the Charging Authority concerned, within 28 days I have now made a payment of 5 do you think that I will get a penalty charge?. Vehicles usually pay 2.50 to use the crossing. Leeds Tried calling t have them line temporarily out of service. Like previous posters, we too were caught out by the change, having the same experience of approaching the barriers coins in hand and then passing through without being stopped for payment. Sadly you could be one of the 300,000 drivers who forgot to pay their Dartford Crossing charge in one month alone racking up potential bills of around 21m? I sent them a copy of the reciept and heard nothing more. A month and a half later now and Ive got a further penalty of 70 because the previous 35 was not received on time. If it was in the same car you might get the fine however, as she paid, the system might get confused and not issue a charge. Set up a new pre-pay account here Change an existing Dart Tag account. I didnt as I checked payments made again and it clearly said 2.50 paid and have all email/receipt. So why not an automated invoice via email, which will cost them pennies to set up. There is very little information around the toll area itself and by putting the onus on the road user to pay, rather than them to collect, they ensure that many people will innocently forget to pay the toll or simply not know. I will contact those responsible and clarify this one. (5) The handout sent through the post says you can pay by phone but doesnt give a phone number so if your computer is down or you dont use one you are stuffed. A charge certificate will be issued if payment is not made within 28 days. You should be okay though, with the 14-day grace period covering you for this first offence sorry hate using the word offence when it is clearly a genuine oversight caused by poor signage. Otherwise there should be a lane for optional on-the-spot payment, with clear signage, including the amount of the fee! I am in the same boat. It is owned by a French company so everyone beware or simply drive round the other-side of the M25 where possible. Surprisingly..DC cannot make a change and neither the hire I am really wondering whether the PCN gets to correct address. I am livid that you can not simply phone and give your receipt details but have to spend time an money searching for receipt and then paying postage!!!!! I am extremely upset as I thought it was all sorted back in January, I cannot understand how they can fine me this amount 12 months after my crossing. Open your iPhones reminders app it is standard on the handset2. The people using taxes for military use, to go to war and kill innocent civilians, men, women and children they are the criminals. I believe the Dartford system is like the London Congestion Charge system, where you can pay even if you werent sure you entered the zone. The 14-day grace period is also referenced on the website, so can certainly be taken as official see quote taken from page below. So many people like you just didnt know about the new system and why should you. I have the same issue. The fine is 70 (with 35 option for early payment) but OP has more than one. I crossed the tunnel on 10th April, and only got a chance to pay online 2.50 now (11th April 2.45am). In addition to the cost hike, sites like Dartfordcrossingcharges site have no way of effectively checking your details it even fails to ask what vehicle you are paying for, making it impossible to highlight mistakes when entering the registration mark. People cannot travel without the stress of thinking, will I get a congestion charge, a toll charge, parking ticket, overtime parking ticket etc. I crossed the QE2 bridge on 15th June and have only just discovered today that the charges have to be paid within 24hrs of crossing I like so many others assumed the charges had been suspended while major works are carried out as the signage is not very clear. Hopefully that is the end of that. I checked where I was on that day & time : It was the Thames bridge at Dartford. making a representation. It seems we cant pay after using the crossing, nor in advance. They advised me on how to appeal and gave me everything I needed to make an airtight defence. How can I check please ? Thanks. DART CHARGE. Challenge a penalty charge notice It is a crazy system and amounts to Highway Robbery but they do seem reasonable if you talk to them. Had exactly the same problem phoned and was told it was not possible to pay after midnight on the day after the crossing. also people should be able to pay by post after crossing. You should call and ask. Like many here I havent used the Dartford crossing for some time, so when I used it a week last Sunday we had change ready and were constantly looking for signs displaying the various charges, but didnt see any. If you treat people like this and do you expect them to treat others!! Apart from the quote from their nameless spokesman, has this been published by them anywhere? Make a new reminder to pay the Dart Charge3. Just came back from a weekend in Hythe. I paid the 7.50 over the phone and they emailed a receipt. Went across the crossing at around 1pm on 28 June. I havent received anything through the post about a fine or request to pay the charge. Mainly because motorists forget to pay the toll fee on time. My husband forgot to pay the charge until 2 hrs after the midnight deadline its his first time. The UK is a lovely place but the governments are supporting the extortionists every which way you look. Now there is no way for me to avoid the penalty! This appears to be an unhelpful, punitive system not in the public interest, apparently designed to maximize cash generation rather than provide a public service. As my work was extended I didnt fly back to Manchester where my is registered and I found a full 105 plus toll had been issued in July. I have just returned from travelling in the UK in my car. We have one in our family the car is obtained from special suppliers and when we went through it automatically picked this fact up on the Registration. Get back to the methods of natureand pause. Optional legal consultation This will give you plenty of time to pay before you fly. Re: Dart Charge - Penalty Charge Notice Numbers IA1xxxxxx, IA1xxxxxxx, IA2xxxxx and IA2xxxxxx Following receipt of the above Penalty Charge Notices (herein referred to as PCNs) for two contraventions dated 31st of July and the 7th of August, likewise for the contraventions dated the 6th of novermber and 9th of november. In my case, my first stop after Dartford was at the Port of Dover, where I had no phone signal (on the Three Mobile network). I heard an advert on the radio today, about the new Dartford crossing with no me naive, but I havent been in the tunnel or on the crossing for many many years and I thought it was free as I couldnt find any booths ! MoneyNerd Limiteds FCA Firm Reference Number is: 978681, You can check these details on I drove to work 5 times, that made 10 crossings. Dart charge penalty - Bromptonaut. I also paid the standard charge but now I dont know if the First Offence grace period includes a round trip made on the same day or just 1 crossing. Hi You will need to give them a call. Go to dart on The thing that annoys me is that we did set up a Dart Charge account online and one that would top up automatically when it got below 10. Set a reminder by location on your phone: Have you got an iPhone? He said: Rather than directing drivers to the official payment website, the signs invite users to use Google. Not only did I save 50 on solicitor fees, I also won my case and didnt have to pay the 271 fine! Hope to be keeping you up to date on the current practice if they have. Im also waiting for my receipt of payment which still hasnt arrived nearly 15 minutes after I paid it? Interestingly, the FIRST PCN was about the LATER crossing and if youve read the letter you get with your first offence it states you may have made additional crossings since the date of issue of the enclosed PCN for which we may not have received valid payments of the road user charge. Dart Charge Fine. Yours faithfully, [Your signature] Download letter docx ( 14 KB) 7. 1) Set up a pre-pay account: 2) Pay online: 3) Pay in advance for a one-off crossing: 4) Over the phone: 5) Payzone retail outlet: 6) Pay by post: Help improve the Crossing experience: image credit Please take a few seconds to take this poll and tell us how you'd improve the new charging system.. Be careful not to mix up the letter 'I' and 'O' with the numbers '1' and '0'. This is then used to pay for crossings, but occasional users will have dead money left in the account. Its