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KJV Translations: appearance, sight, countenance, vision, favoured, look Strong's Hebrew #: h.4758, ( masc., ) Translation: SEEING KJV Translations: see, look, gazingstock Strong's Hebrew #: h.7210, ( masc., ) Translation: VISION KJV Translations: vision Strong's Hebrew #: h.7203, ( fem., ) Translation: CRAW Definition: The insides of a bird. KJV Translations: chariot Strong's Hebrew #: h.4818, ( fem., ) Translation: KNEE Definition: [To be verified] In the sense of bending the knee to ride. ( ) Definition: A container where all of its contents have been drawn out. KJV Translations: love Strong's Hebrew #: h.7474, ( masc., / mir-eh ) Translation: FEEDING.PLACE Definition: A place of feeding or grazing. KJV Translations: chain Strong's Hebrew #: h.7577, ( ) Action: Grieve, Shout Abstract: Bad, ( common, / ra ) Translation: DYSFUNCTIONAL Definition: Impaired or abnormal action other than that for which a person or thing is intended. KJV Translations: throw, break, overthrow, destroy, pull, ruin, beat, pluck, destroyer Strong's Hebrew #: h.2040, ( masc., ) Translation: RUIN Definition: [To be verified] A city that has been broken down into pieces. KJV Translations: near, nigh, neighbour, next, kin, approach, short, kinsfolk, kinsmen Strong's Hebrew #: h.7138, ( masc., ) Translation: DONATION Definition: Something given to another in devotion. KJV Translations: rage, assemble Strong's Hebrew #: h.7283 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7284, ( fem., ) Translation: CROWD Definition: [To be verified] A loud tumultuous group. ( ) Action: Inherit, Request Object: Head Abstract: Poor, Inheritance Definition: The head of the tribe (chief) or family (father) is passed from generation to generation. Secret of the Hebrew letter Resh Secret of the Hebrew letter (Resh) reveals the Messiah. We may postulate that Jews absorbed their veneration for the New Year from the Babylonian example. KJV Translations: high, height, above, high place, dignity, haughty, loftily, upward Strong's Hebrew #: h.4791, ( fem., / te-ru-mah ) Translation: OFFERING Definition: A donation presented to another. KJV Translations: couchingplace, lie down Strong's Hebrew #: h.4769, ( ) Relationship to Parent: spread out, ( masc., ) Translation: FATTED Definition: [To be verified] Livestock that is penned or tied up to fatten it for a feast or sacrifice. ( common, / ) Translation: BETROTH (V) Definition: A promise or contract of impending marriage. Relationship to Root: A lifting up through a prolific amount of offspring. Edenics: razor KJV Translations: famish, lean Strong's Hebrew #: h.7329, ( masc., ) Translation: LEAN KJV Translations: lean Strong's Hebrew #: h.7330, ( masc., ) Translation: LEANNESS KJV Translations: leanness Strong's Hebrew #: h.7334, ( masc., ) Translation: LEANNESS Definition: [To be verified] Something made thin. We could combine shin-yud-tav to create shith (to put or set, Strong's 7896). ( ) Definition: A covering of a large area. KJV Translations: great Strong's Aramaic #: a.7260, ( fem., ) Translation: MAJESTY KJV Translations: majesty, greatness Strong's Aramaic #: a.7238, ( fem., ) Translation: MYRIAD Definition: [To be verified] A number of great abundance. Combined these mean "man through the door". Also prosperous. ( ) Definition: An abundance of number, strength or authority. Like other ancient writing systems, the Hebrew alphabet originally was written using a pictographic script. The letter RESH. ( common, / r.k.k ) Translation: BE.SOFT (V) Definition: To be soft. KJV Translations: chain Strong's Hebrew #: h.7572, ( masc., ) Translation: CHAIN Definition: [To be verified] For binding. KJV Translations: mildew, paleness Strong's Hebrew #: h.3420, ( masc., ) Translation: GREENISH KJV Translations: greenish, yellow Strong's Hebrew #: h.3422. An oppression or struggle as crushing. . ( ) Definition: Land is divided up into fragments by tribe or nations. Solution of Ancient Cycles loe_siteadmin on Jun, 29, 2018 No Comments. Alternate Translations: forty (when written in the plural) KJV Translations: four, fourth, forty, fortieth Strong's Hebrew #: h.0702, h.0705 Strong's Aramaic #: a.0703, ( masc., / re-vi-i ) Translation: FOURTH Definition: An ordinal number. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: violence Strong's Hebrew #: h.4835. ( common, / h.r.s ) Translation: CAST.DOWN (V) Definition: To ruin or break into pieces by throwing or pulling down. Also, to go down on the hands and knees, to be on all fours. KJV Translations: spirit, wind, breath, side, mind, blast, vain, air, anger, cool, courage, space, enlargement Strong's Hebrew #: h.7305, h.7307, ( fem., / re-wa-hhah ) Translation: RESPITE Definition: A relief from labor, punishment or trouble. ( common, ) Translation: RUN (V) KJV Translations: run Strong's Hebrew #: h.7519. ( masc., / ra-ham ) Translation: LIFTED Definition: Raised up in position or in exaltation. Even in exile, the Jews maintained these symbols of . ( ) Definition: Something that is drawn out. 02: Psalm 120 - Going down, to go up. In Psalm 38:11 this word is used for the beating of the heart in the sense of going about to and fro. KJV Translations: cause, strife, controversy, contention Strong's Hebrew #: h.7379, ( fem., / me-ri-vah ) Translation: CONTENTION Definition: An act or instance of striving or struggling against great difficulty or opposition. KJV Translations: coal Strong's Hebrew #: h.7529, ( fem., ) Translation: PAVEMENT Definition: [To be verified] A road of stones. ( ) Definition: A throwing of something high. KJV Translations: dash, vex Strong's Hebrew #: h.7492, ( ) Definition: An unjustifiable killing or slaughter. However, in ancient Hebrew, as in Chinese and ancient Egyptian, the characters are pictures . ( masc., / rakh ) ( fem., / ra-kah ) Translation: TENDER Definition: Having a soft or yielding texture; easily broken, cut, or damaged. Relationship to Root: From the four sides of a square. KJV Translations: merchant, trade, pant, traffick Strong's Hebrew #: h.5503, ( masc., ) Translation: MERCHANDISE Definition: [To be verified] Something that is traded. From the Late Semitic script is derived the Modern Hebrew . 3,000? Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a head, the is a picture of the tent representing the family. Its sound value is the voiced alveolar plosive([d]). To be infected with leprosy, mildew or mold. ( masc., / ra ) Translation: COMPANION Definition: One that accompanies another in the sense of a close companion or friend. KJV Translations: shake Strong's Hebrew #: h.7477, ( masc., ) Translation: QUIVERING KJV Translations: trembling Strong's Hebrew #: h.7478, ( fem., ) Translation: SCARF Definition: [To be verified] As quivering in the breeze. KJV Translations: wash, bathe, trust Strong's Hebrew #: h.7364 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7365, ( masc., ) Translation: BATH KJV Translations: washpot Strong's Hebrew #: h.7366, ( fem., ) Translation: BATHING KJV Translations: washing Strong's Hebrew #: h.7367, ( ) Relationship to Parent: traveling, ( common, / r.k.b ) Translation: RIDE (V) Definition: To sit and travel in any conveyance; to sit astride an animal, wagon or chariot. Discover the secret behind the Hebrew letter Resh. KJV Translations: palace, castle Strong's Hebrew #: h.0759, ( common, ) Translation: LIFT (V) KJV Translations: lift Strong's Hebrew #: h.7213, ( masc., ) Translation: RHINOCEROS Definition: A large land animal where some species have one horn (Latin: unicornis) and others have two (Latin: bicornis). KJV Translations: lying down, side, fourth, square Strong's Hebrew #: h.7252, h.7253, ( masc., / ri-va ) Translation: FOURTH.GENERATION Definition: A great-great grandchild, as a descendant of the fourth generation. Without any real understanding at all, there are 22 letters and 5 sofits. ( masc., ) Translation: TENDERNESS KJV Translations: tender Strong's Hebrew #: h.7391, ( fem., / ya-rey-akh ) Translation: MIDSECTION Definition: The lower abdomen and back. KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only], ( masc., ) Translation: CITADEL Definition: A large palace or fortress usually constructed in a high place. ( fem., ) Translation: KITE Definition: An unknown bird of prey with a keen sense of sight. KJV Translations: rule, dominion, take, prevail, reign, ruler Strong's Hebrew #: h.7287, ( common, / r.w.d ) Translation: ROAM (V) Definition: To wander around restlessly. ( common, / r.ts.h ) Translation: ACCEPT (V) Definition: To receive from the messenger what is given as a message. ( ) Definition: The flowing of the insides. Resh (r): head: first part, beginning . ( ) Definition: As green and drawn out of the mouth. KJV Translations: tremble, move, rage, shake, disquiet, trouble, quake, afraid Strong's Hebrew #: h.7264 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7265, ( masc., ) Translation: SHAKING Definition: A shaking anger. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the head of a man, the is a picture of a foot. [note 1] The letter represents a voiced pharyngeal fricative ( / /) or a similarly articulated consonant. KJV Translations: slander, talebearer, tales Strong's Hebrew #: h.7400, ( fem., ) Translation: MERCHANDISE KJV Translations: merchandise Strong's Hebrew #: h.4819, ( ) Relationship to Parent: as from the wind, ( common, ) Translation: WHISTLE (V) KJV Translations: hiss Strong's Hebrew #: h.8292, h.8319, ( fem., ) Translation: WHISTLING KJV Translations: hissing Strong's Hebrew #: h.8322, ( fem., ) Translation: FLUTE Definition: [To be verified] A musical instrument that whistles. 5 of them have special end forms (e.g., Kaph); together with the final characters there are 27 signs, but still 22 letters. HEBREW: HAND OF GOD (10) - Letter 'Yod' YOD The tenth Hebrew letter ZYod is pictured at right: The rabbis picture Yod as a ZHand [. KJV Translations: lay, couch Strong's Hebrew #: h.7257, ( masc., ) Translation: PALATE Definition: [To be verified] A sleeping or resting place. 4 For shuruk, the letter " " (vav) is used since it can only be used with that letter. ( common, / y.r.d ) Translation: GO.DOWN (V) Definition: To go or come lower from a higher place. The character. The system was adapted from that of the Greek numerals in the late 2nd century BCE. ( masc., / ram ) Translation: RAISED Definition: Lifted up in position or in exaltation. The Word Bereshit () in Hebrew letters is: Tav, Yud, Shin, Alef, Resh, Beit (Hebrew is read right to left.) The Ancient picture for this letter is , a picture of the two front teeth. KJV Translations: cedar Strong's Hebrew #: h.0730, ( fem., ) Translation: CEDAR.WORK KJV Translations: cedar work Strong's Hebrew #: h.0731, ( masc., ) Translation: BOUND Definition: [To be verified] Something bound securely with cords. KJV Translations: shout, noise, alarm, cry, triumph, smart Strong's Hebrew #: h.7321, ( masc., / rey-a ) Translation: LOUD.NOISE Definition: A loud, confused, constant noise or sound KJV Translations: shout, noise, aloud Strong's Hebrew #: h.7452, ( fem., ) Translation: SHOUT Definition: A great shout of alarm of war or for rejoicing. One side of a four sided square. ( ) Action: Scour Object: Trough, Rafter, Bright Abstract: Fear Definition: The digging out of something for making a basin or trough. KJV Translations: council Strong's Hebrew #: h.7277, ( fem., ) Translation: SLING Definition: [To be verified] A weapon for slinging stones. Relationship to Parent: spread out, ( common, / r.b.ts ) Translation: STRETCH.OUT (V) Definition: To lie or stretch out as to rest; to crouch down to hide for an ambush. A complaining in low tones, usually in private. KJV Translations: millstone, mill, nether Strong's Hebrew #: h.7347. Our Hebrew Date Converter displays dates in Hebrew. KJV Translations: arise, rise, shine, up Strong's Hebrew #: h.2224, ( masc., ) Translation: RISING.SUN Definition: The early morning appearence of the sun. Additional symbols (placed below or on top of letters) make vowels, known as nekkudot (dots).These nekkudot make a string of letters into pronounceable and meaningful words. One who is abundant in authority such as a master or teacher. KJV Translations: leper, leprous Strong's Hebrew #: h.6879, ( fem., ) Translation: INFECTION Definition: A contaminated substance, such as a disease, mold or mildew, on the skin, cloth or a building. KJV Translations: water, drunk, fill, satiate, bath, satisfy, soak Strong's Hebrew #: h.7301, ( masc., ) Translation: WATERED KJV Translations: watered, drunkenness Strong's Hebrew #: h.7302, ( fem., ) Translation: SOAKED Definition: [To be verified] Something soaked with water. KJV Translations: merchandise Strong's Hebrew #: h.5504, h.5505, ( fem., ) Translation: MERCHANDISE Definition: [To be verified] Something that is traded. Acting in vain; empty-handed. ( ) Action: Crush, Run, Dry, Shatter, Murder, Fit, Swarm Object: Potsherd, Land, Course, Clay, Wound Abstract: Desire, Violence Definition: Broken pieces of pottery were commonly used as writing tablets as they were inexpensive and durable. KJV Translations: destruction Strong's Hebrew #: h.2035. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: creeping, moving Strong's Hebrew #: h.7431, ( masc., ) Translation: TRAMPLED Definition: [To be verified] A place that is tread upon. 3 The dagesh, mappiq, and shuruk have different uses, but the same graphical representation, and hence are input in the same manner. Combined these mean "man covered". KJV Translations: wafer, cake Strong's Hebrew #: h.7550. To empty by pouring out. Points and punctuation. The ancient Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters (from Alef to Tav). KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only], ( ) Relationship to Parent: trampling down, ( common, / r.m.s ) Translation: TREAD (V) Definition: To trample under foot. The Hebrew root word H7218 are these three letters, and it means "to shake the head". This person was the representative for the whole tribe, one abundant in authority and wisdom. To be "refreshed", as when taking in a deep breath. The word ( ta'awa) means boundary (that which is marked). KJV Translations: famine Strong's Hebrew #: h.7459. The horns of an animal or a musical instrument in the shape of a horn. KJV Translations: strife, provocation Strong's Hebrew #: h.4808. ( common, ) Translation: WHINE (V) Definition: [To be verified] The senseless flowing of words. Genesis: KJV Translations: temper Strong's Hebrew #: h.7450, ( masc., ) Translation: PIECE Definition: [To be verified] Something broken into pieces. Small in form, the meaning of the Yod is great. They called the holiday Akitu (from the Sumerian word for barley) and Resh Shattim, the Akkadian equivalent of the Hebrew Rosh Hashanah. KJV Translations: purple, scarlet Strong's Hebrew #: h.0710 Strong's Aramaic #: a.0711, ( masc., / ar-ga-man ) Translation: PURPLE Definition: A reddish-blue color used to dye yarn and used in weaving. The Aleph covers that sickness with strength to heal or repair it. KJV Translations: horn, hill Strong's Hebrew #: h.7161 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7162. When specifying years of the Hebrew calendar in the present millennium, we omit the thousands (which is presently 5, ).For example, the Hebrew year 5782 is written as 782 () rather than 5782 Edenics: earth; terra - with a reversal of letters; terrain KJV Translations: earth, land, country, ground, world, way, common, field, nations, inferior Strong's Hebrew #: h.0776 Aramaic Spelling: . Strong's Aramaic #: a.0772, a.0778, ( fem., ) Translation: BOTTOM Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: bottom Aramaic Spelling: Strong's Aramaic #: a.0773. Combined these mean "man open". KJV Translations: bed, furrow Strong's Hebrew #: h.6170. A Chart of the Ancient Hebrew alphabet is available through the Anc. The translators of the Septuagint knew of the pronunciation of the Resh with a Dagesh - the evidence is that they wrote the name Sarah with a double R. Bet/Vet is a Tent Floor Plan, House, Dwelling, Temple; Body, In, Inside, Within, Heart, Family, Kingdom 3. ( masc., ) Translation: FRAGMENT Relationship to Root: Broken fragments of a pot which were commonly used as writing surfaces for messages. KJV Translations: slow, longsuffering, patient Strong's Hebrew #: h.0750, ( fem., ) Translation: LENGTHENING KJV Translations: lengthening Aramaic Spelling: Strong's Aramaic #: a.0754, ( masc., ) Translation: LONG KJV Translations: long, longer Strong's Hebrew #: h.0752, ( fem., ) Translation: REPAIR Definition: [To be verified] A reconstruction or healing that causes longer life. Alternate Translations: top; beginning; first; chief; best Alternate Spellings: Edenics: raise - with the exchange of the s and sh KJV Translations: head, chief, top, beginning, company, captain, sum, first, principal, chapiters, rulers Strong's Hebrew #: h.7218, h.7389 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7217, ( fem., ) Translation: HEADREST Definition: [To be verified] A place where the head is laid. In Hebrew, it literally means 'life', 'alive' or 'living' and it symbolizes the value of it. KJV Translations: creep, abundantly, move, breed, increase Strong's Hebrew #: h.8317, ( masc., / she-rets ) Translation: SWARMER Definition: The creature(s) of a large swarm. Select one or more hebrew symbols ( ) using the hebrew text symbol keyboard of this page. Edenics: mirror KJV Translations: looking glass Strong's Hebrew #: h.7209, ( common, / r.a.h ) Translation: SEE (V) Definition: To take notice; to perceive something or someone; to see visions. ( masc., / raq ) Translation: THIN Definition: Not dense in distribution; not well-fleshed. Relationship to Root: As collected substances. KJV Translations: street, ways, place Strong's Hebrew #: h.7339, ( masc., / ro-hhav ) Translation: WIDTH Definition: Largeness of extent or scope. ( ) Definition: A shout of joy, desperation or desire. ( masc., / rav ) ( fem., / ra-bah ) Translation: ABUNDANT Definition: Great plenty or supply of numbers (many) or strength (great). this letter was used to represent sh consonant. Alternate Translations: lazy (when written in the niphil [passive] form) KJV Translations: feeble, fail, weaken, go, alone, idle, stay, slack, faint, forsake, abate, cease Strong's Hebrew #: h.7503, ( masc., ) Translation: FRAIL KJV Translations: weak Strong's Hebrew #: h.7504, ( common, ) Translation: PULVERIZE (V) KJV Translations: tremble Strong's Hebrew #: h.7322, ( fem., ) Translation: MEDICINE KJV Translations: medicine Strong's Hebrew #: h.8644, ( fem., ) Translation: WHEAT Definition: [To be verified] A grain pulverized with a mortar and pestle for making a flour. The muddying of waters when stomping into the water. The earliest characters originally consisted of symbols, from which the today's digital signs originated. KJV Translations: afraid Strong's Hebrew #: h.7297. KJV Translations: wine Strong's Hebrew #: h.8492, ( ) Action: Tremble, Attach, Bind Object: Harness, Chain, ( fem., ) Translation: TREMBLE KJV Translations: tremble Strong's Hebrew #: h.7578, ( ) Definition: The harnessing of rig for attaching horses to a wagon or chariot. ( ) Action: Feed Object: Shepherd, Friend, Pasture, Tent curtain, Field Abstract: Desire, Flourish Definition: The shepherd closely watched over his flock, often they are his only companions. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the head of a man, the is a picture of wall that separates the inside from the outside. From the tenderness of the loins. ( masc., / ri-sah ) Translation: OVERTHROWN Definition: To ruin or break into pieces by throwing or pulling down. Text of Online Digest 90-2-20121219 Kabbalah KJV Translations: tread, bend, lead, archer, come, go, treader, walk, draw, guide, shoot, thresh Strong's Hebrew #: h.1869, ( masc., / de-rek ) Translation: ROAD Definition: A route or path for traveled or walked. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: fiery, serpent, seraphim Strong's Hebrew #: h.8314, ( fem., / se-rey-phah ) Translation: CREMATING Definition: The act of burning a dead body to ashes.